Academic theses and dissertations are regularly published and widely disseminated in YUOE Journal, Monographs, Universities Research Journal (URJ), Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science (MAAS) Journal, AsTEN Research Journal and International online Journals for sharing knowledge and contributing to the development of our education.

No. Researcher Title Abstract Year
2131 Aye Myat Mon A SURVEY OF TEACHER EDUCATORS ON THE IMPLEMENTATION OF ACTION RESEARCH IN EDUCATION COLLEGES The purpose of this study was to survey teacher educators on the implementation of action research in Education Colleges. A survey method, which is one of the descriptive designs, was employed to collect the relevant data from the respondents. The subjects were (300) teacher educators in Monywa Education College, Mandalay Education College, Magway Education College, Pakokku Education College and Sagaing Education College. The questionnaire includes (40) Likert-scale items. Descriptive statistics such as percentage and mean were used to analyze the data. Furthermore, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and independent samples t-test were also used to compare statistically significant difference among the sample Education Colleges, degree and teaching experiences. The results of the study revealed that most of the teacher educators possessed positive perceptions on the implementation of action research in Education Colleges, but knowledge, skills and experience of teacher educators in the selected Education Colleges were insufficient. The level of principal’s encouragement to conduct action research was insufficient in such areas as establishing action research clubs in Education College, allocating budget to conduct action research, providing reference materials for their research activities and arranging research training in Education Colleges. Therefore, teacher educators are highly affected by the factors that hinder them to conduct action research. It was found that, a commitment in fulfilling and supplying sufficient reference materials for continuous trainings, workshops and action research competitions is a necessity. 2022
2132 Ei Phyu Thwe A STUDY OF THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN STUDY SKILLS AND MATHEMATICS ACHIEVEMENT AMONG MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS The purpose of this study is to study the relationship between study skills and mathematics achievement among middle school students. Quantitative research design, descriptive survey method was used to find out study skills and mathematics achievement. In terms of geographical area, three Basic Education High Schools, one Basic Education High School (Branch) and one Basic Education Middle School in Tada-U Township were selected by using simple random sampling technique. The population in this study consisted of (400) Grade 8 students. In the collection of data, two instruments: questionnaire for students’ study skills and an achievement test for Grade 8 students were employed. In the analysis of data, descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, independent samples t-test, and Pearson product-moment correlation were used. Oneway ANOVA was performed to ascertain whether there were differences in study skills and mathematics achievement among the selected schools. The result showed that there were differences in study skills and mathematics achievement among the selected schools. Independent samples t-test was used to find out the differences between mean scores of study skills and mathematics achievement in term of gender. According to the results, the female students were higher than the male students in study skills and there was significant difference between male and female students’ mathematics achievement. Pearson product-moment correlation was used to assess the correlation between study skills and mathematics achievement. The results showed that there were also significant correlations between study skills and mathematics achievement. This indicated that if the study skills of the students are good, the mathematics achievement of these students will be high. 2022
2133 Eaint Myet Thwe THE EFFECTIVENESS OF COLLABORATIVE LEARNING FOR DEVELOPING THE WRITING SKILL IN ENGLISH OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS The main purpose of the study is to study the effectiveness of collaborative learning for developing the writing skill in English of high school students. The effectiveness of collaborative learning in English teaching was tested in two high schools in Mandalay Region. The design adopted in this study was one of the true experimental designs, namely, the pretest-posttest control group design. The students from two sample schools from Mandalay Region were selected by simple random sampling method. The randomly assigned experimental group (n=60) was instructed based on collaborative learning and the control group (n=60) was taught by traditional method. The instruments used in this study were a pretest and a posttest. Research findings proved that collaborative learning has positively contributed to the improvement of English teaching at the high school level and could reinforce the improvement of the students' writing skill. 2022
2134 Nwe Oo Mon PERCEPTIONS OF EXPERIENCED SENIOR TEACHERS AND PRE-SERVICE TEACHERS ON CLASSROOM INSTRUCTIONAL PLANNING IN SAGAING TOWNSHIP The purpose of this study is to find out the difference in perceptions of experienced senior teachers and pre-service teachers on classroom instructional planning in Sagaing Township. Quantitative methodology was used to find out the perceptions of experienced senior teachers and pre-service teachers on classroom instructional planning. The design adopted in this study was a survey research design. This study was limited to all experienced senior teachers in Sagaing Township and all pre-service teachers, B.Ed. Fourth Year Senior Students who are studying in Sagaing Institute of Education in (2013-2014) academic year. There were (184) senior teachers and (248) pre-service teachers. Therefore, the total population was (432) enough to allow census and the sampling procedure was not adopted. A questionnaire consisting of (44) items with one openended item was used developed by Ibrahim (2000). The data yielded from the questionnaire was analyzed by using the Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) for collection of data. Research hypotheses were analyzed by using independent samples t test. The findings of this study of experienced senior teachers and pre-service teachers of Sagaing explained that perceptions of male and female of both groups were, more or less, same. Some differences were found in the perceptions of the groups. This indicated that teaching experience has an impact on the perceptions of teachers on classroom instructional planning, and the gender has no impact on it. 2022
2135 Zun Phoo Mo IMPACT OF TEACHERS’ CHARACTERISTICS ON THE ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT OF GRADE 11 STUDENTS The main aim of the study was to study the impact of teachers’ characteristics on the academic achievement of Grade 11 students. It explored (8) teachers’ characteristics (enthusiasm, warmth and humor, credibility, holding high expectation for success, encourage and support, businesslike, adaptability/flexibility and knowledgeability). The participants in the study were 400 Grade 11 students from five Basic Education High Schools and three Basic Education High Schools (Branch) in Salin Township. Survey method was used in the study. The questionnaire used in the study was the teachers’ characteristics questionnaire. As for students’ academic achievement, the total marks of each student from the first semester examination were used. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, independent samples t-test and Pearson product moment correlation. The results revealed that most of the senior teachers possessed good teachers’ characteristics. The ANOVA results showed that teachers’ characteristics were significantly different among schools. The independent samples t-test results showed students’ perceptions of teachers’ characteristics were significantly different in terms of gender. Moreover, it was also found that students’ perceptions of teachers’ characteristics were significantly different, except teachers’ adaptability/ flexibility in terms of school type. Pearson product moment correlation showed that teachers’ characteristics had a significant positive relationship with students’ academic achievement. 2022
2136 Moh Khet Khet Oo AN ANALYTICAL STUDY OF THE IMPACT OF INQUIRY-BASED LEARNING ON STUDENTS’ INQUIRY PROCESS SKILLS IN TEACHING HIGH SCHOOL BIOLOGY The main purpose of this study is to investigate the applicability of inquiry-based learning (IBL) that can enhance students’ inquiry process skills in teaching and learning high school biology in Myanmar. Inquiry-based learning was implemented using Biological Science Inquiry Model (BSIM). A mix-method: QUAN qual design was used. For quantitative research, the research design was nonequivalent control group design. Simple random sampling method was used. This study was conducted in four basic education high schools from Yangon Region. The instruments were pretest, posttest, lesson plans, materials, questionnaires and observation checklists. The quantitative research findings include three main parts. Firstly, there was a significant difference in biology achievement between students who received IBL and those who did not. Secondly, the stronger the inquiry process skills were developed, the higher the biology achievement. Thirdly, the predicting factors were observing, hypothesizing, questioning, communicating, classifying and experimenting. For qualitative research, case study research design was used. Random purposive sampling method was used. Regarding qualitative research findings, teachers and students preferred and well performed on inquiry process skills through IBL according to the results of questionnaires and observation checklists. Therefore, inquiry-based learning contributed a positive impact on teaching high school biology. The research findings suggested that IBL should be used in teaching and learning high school biology in Myanmar. 2022
2137 Hswe Mar Oo AN INVESTIGATION INTO THE EFFECTIVENESS OF PROCESS ORIENTED GUIDED INQUIRY LEARNING MODEL ON STUDENTS’ LEARNING CHEMISTRY CONCEPTS The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of proposed process oriented guided inquiry learning model for chemistry teaching at the high school level in Myanmar. The research design was one of the quasi-experimental designs, the nonequivalent control group design. The participants were selected from Grade Ten students in BEHS Yekyi, BEHS Kwin Thone Zint, BEHS (5) Hinthada, BEHS Neikban, BEHS (2) Danuphyu and BEHS Alamyo in Ayeyawady Region by using simple random sampling method. There were totally (483) participants to conduct the experiment for this research study. From each school, two intact classes were randomly selected as experimental group who received proposed process oriented guided inquiry learning model and control group who received formal instruction. The instruments were pretest, posttest, and questionnaire. The data were analyzed by using one-way analysis of covariance (One-Way ANCOVA). According to ANCOVA results, there were significant differences in the achievement on concept skills between the experimental groups and control groups in all schools. The results of students’ responses from questionnaire expressed that all students who participated in experimental groups had positive attitudes towards proposed process oriented guided inquiry leaning. Research findings proved that proposed process oriented guided inquiry learning model had positive contribution for chemistry teaching at the high school level in Myanmar. 2022
2138 Hay Man Oo A RELIABILITY GENERALIZATION META-ANALYSIS OF TRADITIONAL AND CYBER BULLYING VICTIMIZATION SCALES* The main aim of this study was to review the constructs of traditional and cyber bullying victimization scales. A reliability generalization meta-analysis was accomplished to estimate the average reliability of TBVS and CBVS total scores and to search for the characteristics of the studies that can explain the variability among reliability estimates. An exhaustive literature search enabled to select 21 studies (63 independent samples) that reported alpha coefficients with the data at hand for TBVS and CBVS total score and subscales. An acceptable average coefficient alpha was found for the TBVS total score (? = .75, 95% CI = .69 - .80) and for CBVS total score (? = .78, 95% CI = .76 - .81). Furthermore, the subscales of both TBVS and CBVS were also found to have acceptable average coefficient alpha. Moderator analyses showed a significant statistical relationship with the reliability coefficients with the continuous variables of mean age and gender (male %) and with the substantive characteristics such as sample size. The discussion of the results and suggestions for future studies are described in this study. 2022
2139 Aeint Thinzar Thet RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MENTAL WELL-BEING, ADJUSTMENT STYLES AND ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT OF STUDENT-TEACHERS The main purpose of the present study was to study the relationship between mental well-being, adjustment styles and academic achievement of student-teachers. Questionnaire survey method was applied and quantitative approach was executed in this study. A total of 474 student-teachers (147 males and 327 females) from Yangon University of Education and Sagaing University of Education participated in this study. The required sample was selected by using random sampling technique. As the research instruments, Warwick-Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale (WEMWBS, 2005) and Adjustment Styles Inventory developed by Kumar (1998), Reddy (1990) and Srinivas (1999) were applied to measure the mental well-being state and various adjustment styles of student-teachers. Academic achievement was described in terms of scores obtained from an achievement test including three subjects (Educational Psychology, English and Biology) in 2016-2017 Academic Year developed by the researcher. In the analysis of data, descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson’s correlation technique and stepwise multiple regression analysis were used in this study. According to the results of regression analyses, it can be concluded that both mental well-being and three subscales of adjustment styles inventory: appraisal-focused, problem-focused and emotional-focused were also significant predictive of academic achievement of student-teachers. To sum up, the studentteachers who are in good state of mental well-being and able to adjust difficulties in their life are active in academic activities and achieve well in their student life in universities of education. 2022
2140 Chit Su Wai THE DEVELOPMENT OF CREAVITY SCALE FOR PROSPECTIVE TEACHERS The purpose of this study is to develop a self- report creativity scale by conducting survey method of prospective teachers. Participants were 726 prospective teachers from twenty educational degree colleges in this study. Based on many empirical studies, creativity measures indicated many problems and limitations. The creativity measure is based on the Khatena Torrance Creative Perception Inventory (KTCPI) and other creativity self-report instruments. After exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, four factors appear (1) Sensation of Environmental conditions (2) Self- belief (3) Imagination (4) Willingness and curiosity. Insights gained from this study enables adult educators to improve existing learning situations as well as develop new, more effective programs for student teachers. 2022