Academic theses and dissertations are regularly published and widely disseminated in YUOE Journal, Monographs, Universities Research Journal (URJ), Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science (MAAS) Journal, AsTEN Research Journal and International online Journals for sharing knowledge and contributing to the development of our education.

No. Researcher Title Abstract Year
231 Su Mon Latt lPARTISAN BIAS IN TE ELECTION NEWS COVERAGE: ON TE STUDY OF TE GENERAL ELECTION 2015 IN MYANMAR Free and fair elections are a core principle for democratic development. Moreover, Election is vital equipment in the lives of democratic society especially in transition period for political communication. Then, concerned the Political bias of the mass media becomes an important argument especially at the election time. So, partisan bias is a crucial question to evaluate the election process. Various researchers have studied how media bias or how political orientation runs especially in the election campaign. Thus, this study analytically evaluated the partisan bias could present in the newspaper. The content analysis method through Myanmar newspapers applies to verify the partisan bias. The findings from the pioneer study pointed out newspapers have their party supported in the election. 2018
232 Cho Cho Thwin A STUDY OF TE ARTICLE ON ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES PUBLISED IN MYANMAALINN DAILY AND KYEMON (TE MIRROR DAILY) The media in Myanmar today have developed and there have now emerged privately-owned media companies. This paper examines the background of newspaper in Myanmar and the coverage of environmentalrelated issues published in state-owned media, Myanma Alinn Daily and Kyemon Daily (The Mirror Daily).How effective have been the Myanma Alinn Daily and Kyemon Daily newspapers in their coverage of environmental and climate change issues? In this study, quantification of survey and interview method was used. Data were collected through content analysis. There are a total of 245 items concerning environmental and environmentally related articles in the two newspapers. Among all the topics, climate change and global warming got the highest priority with 22% of the total articles. In 2016, environmental related reporting was not covered sufficiently in these two newspapers. But the Myanma Alinn Daily published a total of 145 items on issues related to the environment which was more than those in the kyemon Daily. In terms of the extent of coverage and types of environmental items in these two newspapers, they differed considerably and 17% of the total articles were presented with photographs. The two newspapers have played an important role in informing the community by sharing their knowledge on environmental related issues. 2018
233 Zin Mar Kyaw EMERGENCE OF ETNIC PRINT MEDIA IN DEMOCRATIC TRANSITION PERIOD (SAN STATE) There is widespread recognition that the media has an important role in sustaining and nurturing democracy for the media in all forms can reflect the diversity of society to fulfill its democratic potential. As ethnicity is an important is an important element of social diversity media organizations can report the concerns of every group in society and enable diverse groups to access information. The ethnic print media in Shan State reflects the Shan, Pa-O and Palaung nationals’ diversity of voice and multiculture. Among the three parts of Shan State, only the Southern Shan State has a flourishing ethnic print media, especially news journals. However, they are still facing the common challenges of access to information, few capable and trained journalists due to lack of professional training and difficulties in distribution system. Ethnic print media delivers content in local languages. Ethnic and linguistic diversity can be a challenge for media reach in ethnic areas of Myanmar. While some ethnic media reflect the State government position, some are focus on coverage of social news, conflict news and public issues in the ethnic areas. Emerging ethnic print media could serve as the bridge between the State government and majority and minority ethnic groups. Ethnic media addresses community issues that are often overlooked by mainstream media. These ethnic media are of different models because they have different aims and interests. Ethnic print media outlets face struggle for survival. The research question is that Why is it necessary to enhance ethnic media development? Henceforth, proper policies of the government are needed for the survival and sustainable development of ethnic media outlets. Ethnic print media in Shan State play a key role for preservation of indigenous literature and enabling the national reconciliation process in the democratic transition period. 2018
234 Htet Htet Aung PRESERVING TE CULTURAL ERITAGE A STUDY OF TE SILVERSMIT IN INLAY LAKE MYANMAR Culture plays multiple roles in the development of tourism and is a key tourism resource. Living culture within the local community can be defined as cultural heritage which combines the two concepts ofhistorical ancient monuments and living heritage; arts and crafts. Knowledge and skills community recognizes as part of their cultural heritage may act as a tourist attraction to the place (UNESCO, 2006). Tourists engage with the cultural heritage as a part of their experiences, explore the traditional craftsmanship as it was performed in the distant past. This paper provides the first comprehensive study on the traditional silversmith handcraft in Inlay Lake from the cultural point of view. The study area is the HeyaYwama village, which is the main silversmith site in the Inlay Lake, Myanmar. The study describes the intangible cultural practices from the tangible silverwares and explores the authenticity and commodification of cultural heritage. The results show that the Innthar people perceive the traditional silversmith as a part of their cultural heritage and it is an authentic heritage craft handed over to new generations, however, lack of literature on traditional methods, intellectual concerns and outside investments are presented as finding results. 2018
235 Cho Me Mg Mg STUDY ON OW TO PRESERVE ERITAGE COLONIAL BUILDINGS IN YANGON Nowadays, one of the most interesting tourist attractions is siteseeing of Heritage Colonial Buildings. Thus, not only European countries but also Asian countries give priority to preserving heritage buildings. This paper describes how to preserve colonial buildings in Yangon. Among Asian countries Myanmar has a huge number of colonial buildings, because Myanmar had been under British Colonial rules for many years. These buildings feature as heritage colonial buildings and many tourists today that are greatly interested in them. In 1996, The Yangon City Development Committee was guided to list of colonial heritage buildings officially and 189 colonial buildings were listed. There are many organizations which are supervising 189 colonial buildings in Yangon, the number today that includes nineteen Ministries, trustee organizations and the Yangon City Development Committee. In this paper, two out of six colonial buildings which are supervised by the YCDC in Yangon are studied, namely the City Hall and the Bogyoke Aung San market which are in downtown Yangon. The City Hall building is still in use by YCDC’s offices and the Bogyoke Aung San market has not changed much. The distinct feature of the two buildings is that age of both are over a hundred years without much need to make major repairs or renovation. It shows that the preservation work done by responsible persons concerned were efficient and effective. Furthermore, the preparations on future preservation of these buildings will be made in accordance with the guidance given by the government. 2018
236 Su Su Mon ANALYSIS ON LAWS RELATING TO FRANCISE BUSINESS IN MYANMAR The research proposes to analyse legal protection and the ways how to develop franchise businesses in Myanmar and how to overcome the legal barriers to be effective these businesses in Myanmar. Franchising is the practice of using brand name of another firm and business strategies. The need for developing franchise business as a strategy to promote SME sector is to reform and enact the laws relating to franchise business. Franchising can support not only small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) sector but also foreign and local investments. In order to develop franchising in Myanmar, there are many barriers to overcome. This research will contribute to addressing the weakness of legal protection and enforcement, to proposing to the policy makers and legal expertise to consider franchising as a strategy for economic development of Myanmar, and educating the entrepreneurs to be qualified to compete with foreign entrepreneurs. Thus, the research is conducted by applying analytical method and qualitative method. 2018
237 Aye Mya Kyi STATES PRACTICES ON CORPORATE CRIMINAL LIABILITY: UK AUSTRALIA INDIA MYANMAR A corporation is a legal entity that the law treats as having its own legal personality. As a legal person, a corporation can engage in unlawful behavior and can be investigated by authorities, prosecuted and convicted of a criminal offence. Criminal liability needs to be imposed on a company for a crime its has committed. That is why most modern criminal law system foresee the possibility to hold the corporation criminally liable for the perpetration of criminal offences. Corporate criminal liability means the liability imposed upon the corporation for any criminal act done by an authorized person to act as the company or by its representative. Corporate criminal liability is not a universal feature of modern legal systems. The countries that do impose criminal liability of some kind on corporations adopt varying approaches to the form and scope of this liability. These country are UK, Australia, India etc.. In Myanmar, there is no explicit provision relation to criminal liability of corporation in Penal Code or other statutory provisions like any other countries. To handle these problems, the specific law or provisions in relation to corporate criminal liabilities should be established in the relevant laws. 2018
238 Zar Chi Hlaing CONTRACT OF INDEMNITY A contract is an agreement enforceable by law. Indemnity is making good of a loss. Contract of indemnity is a contract by which one party promises to save the other from loss caused to him by the conduct of the promisor himself, or by the conduct of any other person. Most contracts of insurance belong to the general category of contracts of indemnity. A contract of indemnity is a special type of contract, such as marine insurance, fire, etc. On the other hand, the contract of insurance which is not contract of indemnity, such as life insurance, personal accident insurance and sickness insurance. In all contracts of insurance, whether marine or nonmarine, which are contracts of indemnity, the insurer is entitled to be subrogated to the rights of the assured and to a contribution from other insurers where he has paid the whole of the loss or more than his proportionate share of it. 2018
239 Khin Thinn Thinn Oo ISSUES RELATING TO PROTECTION OF INDUSTRIAL DESIGNS Industrial design renders an object attractive or appealing. Commercial success of a product depends on industrial design. Novelty, originality and visual appeal are essential if an industrial design is to be registered. Its aesthetic features should not be imposed by the technical functions of the product. Industrial designs may potentially be protected through design patents, trade dress, and copyright. Industrial design rights are granted to the creator of designs to reward them for their effort and investment in manufacturing the product. The holder of this legal title has the exclusive right to make, import or sell any objects to which the design is applied. They can authorize others to exploit the design and bring a legal action against anyone using the design without authorization. This research paper will discuss the issues relating to the recognition and protection of industrial designs as objects of intellectual property, the relation between industrial designs and other objects of intellectual property. 2018
240 Su Yin Htun ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES OF MINING ACTIVITIES IN MYANMAR The paper analyzes the environmental impacts by the different types of mining methods which are used to extract the mineral resources in Myanmar. Behind the success of national economy by exploring its mineral resources, the local people suffer the negative impact of mine projects. The environmental legal system and associated regulations are the basic means to the prevention and after-closure of mine projects. The lack of the environmental impact assessment (EIA), international environmental conservation standards and vocational training for environmental management plan represents a very serious gap in protection for communities nearby the mine sites. This study explains how to implement the international standards and CSR commitments for the environmental issues by mining activities. As a result, the contractual relationship between the State and mine enterprises is a completely key area of focus for environmental responsibilities before the deal and throughout the mine business. 2018