Academic theses and dissertations are regularly published and widely disseminated in YUOE Journal, Monographs, Universities Research Journal (URJ), Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science (MAAS) Journal, AsTEN Research Journal and International online Journals for sharing knowledge and contributing to the development of our education.

No. Researcher Title Abstract Year
2391 Zin Mar Naing , Aung Zaw Myint , Nu Nu Yi , Nyunt Khat Khat Wai CALCULATION OF CHARGE DENSITY DISTRIBUTION PARAMETERS OF SILICON ISOTOPE Si 14 ?? FOR 3PG-MODEL In this research, three parameters Fermi model of ?? 14 30 are change to three parameters Gaussian model of ?? 14 30 in which the parameters of charge density distribution are calculated. The differential scattering cross section of two-body nuclear system is studied in this work. The charged form factors are fitted for 3pG charge distribution model based on the 3pF model which is used as references for this study. The charge form factor which connects scattering cross section and the size of nucleus was discussed. From our calculations, it is found that our fitted charge density distribution and form factor are in good agreement with that of 3pF model. In particular, the purpose of the research shows that the charge form factor is an observable manifestation of an internal structure and shape of the nuclei. 2024
2392 Zaw Win PREPARATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF Al2O3/SiO2/Si TUNNEL DIODE Aluminum oxide (Al2O3) moisture less powder was formed by mixing aluminum nitrate nonahydrate (Al (NO3)3.9H2O) and glycine (C2H5NO2) via auto combustion method. X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) techniques were used to examine the structure and microstructural properties of Al2O3 powder. The structure of Al2O3/SiO2/Si cell exhibited the schottky barrier height and could not indicate the tunnel diode nature. Thus, the P2O5 insertion layer was added onto the SiO2 layer. Phosphorus (P2O5) diffusion was made on the SiO2/p-Si (100) substrate and annealed at 550 oC for 1 h to form p + p design. The SEM was employed to observe the surface morphology and thickness of P2O5 layer. The Al2O3 sol-solution was deposited onto P2O5/SiO2/Si substrate by spin coating technique. The microstructure and film thickness of Al2O3 layer were also examined by SEM. The charge conduction mechanism of Al2O3 film was identified by C -2 -V characteristics. The change in peak current and the valley current with respect to annealing temperatures were studied. 2024
2393 Chit Su Aung , Ei Ei Mon , Su Nandar Htet ANALYSIS ON MODIFIED ULTRASONIC DISTANCE METER USING ULTRASONIC SENSOR, ESP32 AND PLX_DAQ SOFTWARE Most of researchers and hobbyists who measure the distance between observer and object are used the ultrasonic sensor and then, they determined the distance by using the speed of sound wave of 340 ms-1 . They assumed that the speed of sound is constant at any time and at any local weather situations. But, in the point of view of Physics, the speed of sound is not constant and it depends on some parameters of weather conditions such as temperature and humidity. In this research, the distance between the observer and the obstacle is observed by programming with constant speed of sound as well as with the speed of sound depending on the temperature and humidity. The ultrasonic sensor, DHT22, OLED and ESP32 are mainly used to determine the distance. The calculation of the current speed of sound is based on the temperature and the humidity obtained from DHT22. The distance measured with constant speed of sound and that with calculated speed of sound are displayed on the OLED. The values of distance measured are directly uploaded to Excel spreadsheet using PLX_DAQ software. The comparison of distance measured with constant speed of sound and that with the speed of sound varied due to temperature and humidity is observed on Excel. 2024
2394 Hein Nay Zar Wann, Yin Maung Maung SEASONAL DETERMINATION OF RADON CONCENTRATION IN SOIL SAMPLES FROM KALAIN GOLD MINE AT BAGO REGION Soil gas Radon, 222Rn, concentration was measured in kalian gold mine of Shwe Kyin Township at Bago Region. Seasonal determination of radon concentration in soil samples were tested by using RAD 7 radon technique detector. Three different seasons (summer, rainy and cold) in each level of five different depths (2.5 ft, 5 ft, 7.5 ft, 10 ft and 12.5 ft) in the same place were taken for soil gas measurement, starting from the ground surface. Based up on results, the cold season has the most radon contents in three seasons. The measured results were accepted by International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) standard. The results obtained from this study are not dangerous for workers in that area 2024
2395 Khin Sandar Lin , Chan Nyein Aung , Lwin Maung SOUND-ABSORBING PROPERTIES OF WASTE SCRAPED TIRE RUBBER FIBER REINFORCED POLYVINYL ALCOHOL FILMS AS RUBBER AEROGEL Poly vinyl alcohol (PVA) based polymers are being widely used in additive manufacturing because of their physical characteristics such as low weight, flexibility, thermally and electrically insulation. The morphological characterization of pure PVA film and scraped tire rubber fiber (STRF) reinforced PVA films were investigated by the digital optical microscope (x1000). The average size of air bubble of PVA film and STRF reinforced PVA films are about 1.9E-8 mm2 and 7.06E-8 mm2 . The chemical functional group of pure PVA film and 5 w/v%, 10 w/v%, 15 w/v%, 20 w/v% waste scraped tire rubber fiber reinforced PVA films were examined by the Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) in the range of wave number from 4000 to 450 cm?1 . The resultant FTIR transmittance spectra were matched with chemical functional group of PVA and scraped tire rubber fiber (STRF). The acoustic absorption coefficient of pure PVA film and waste scraped tire rubber fiber (STRF) reinforced PVA films were investigated in the range of audio frequency 200 Hz to 2 kHz. 2024
2396 Khin Myat Thet Wai , Hla Hla Maw , Thet Thet Wai THE PROPAGATION OF A PARTICLE IN THE ONE-DIMENSIONAL INFINITE SQUARE-WELL BY USING THE PATH INTEGRAL FORMALISM Path integral was invented by Feynman as an alternative formulation of quantum mechanics. Feynman formulation of quantum mechanics using the so called path integral is arguably the most elegant. The path formulation of quantum field theory represents the transition amplitude (corresponding to the classical correlation function) as a weighted sum of all possible histories of the system from the initial to the final state. In this work, the full propagation for the propagation of a particle in the one dimensional infinite square well by using the path integral formalism will be obtained by using Feynman’s path integral approach. Visualization of key results is implemented by Mathematica. 2024
2397 Hnin Hnin Ei MEASUREMENTS OF RADON CONCENTRATIONS OF SHWEKU TANKE PAGODA AT PAKOKKU TOWNSHIP IN MAGWAY REGION, MYANMAR In this research paper, radon concentrations from two places of Shweku Tanke Pagoda at Pakokku township in Magway region have been estimated by using alpha sensitive two CR-39 detectors (SSNTDs). Radon track densities, radon concentrations and annual effective doses were carried out from these two detectors at 18th March from 15th July, 2022. The radon concentrations were observed 15.78 ±8.63 Bqm-3 and 16.41 ± 10.615 Bqm-3 from two locations in these Pagoda. The radon concentrations from two places were found that lower than the recommended WHO (2009) reference level of 100Bqm-3 . The annual effective dose from two locations were observed 0.27±0.148 mSvyr-1 and 0.28±0.18 mSvyr-1 which were lower than the International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) recommendation of 5mSvyr-1 . The radon concentrations from the two places of Shweku Tanke Pagoda were found within the safe limit. 2024
2398 Oothan Nweit , Kyawt Kyawt Aye , Pann Zar Nyo RAINBOW NUMBERS WITH INDEPENDENT CYCLES IN Km,n DEPENDING ON RAINBOW BIPARTITE GRAPHS* An edge-colored graph G is called a rainbow graph if all the colors on its edges are distinct. Let ? be a family graph of an edge-colored graph G such as ? ? G. The rainbow graph denoted by rb G( , ) ? is related to the anti-Ramsey number AR G( , ) ? . The anti-Ramsey AR G( , ), ? introduced by Erd?s et al., is the maximum number of colors in an edge coloring graph of G without rainbow copy of any graph in G. Evidently, rb G AR G ( , ) ( , ) 1 ? ? ? ? , rb G( , ) ? is the rainbow number of ? in any edge coloring graph G. In this paper, we consider the existence of rainbow number with independent cycles in the complete bipartite graphs, denoted by Km,n, order m and n with bipartitions (M, N). For this result, we endeavor to construct the complete bipartite graphs on the multi-graphs without independent cycles. Denote that the rainbow number rb (Km,n, ) for m n ? ? 5 . Let ?2 denote the family of graphs containing two independent cycles. The rainbow number rb (Km,n, ) is the minimum number of colors such that ? ?2 K m n, , then any edge coloring of Km,n with at least distinct c colors contains a rainbow copy of 2 ? . Without loss of generality, we obtain the result for any m n ? ? 5, rb (Km,n, ) = 3m + n – 2. Finally, we hope the main result will be supported at the fiber optic communications network in real life for our country. 2024
2399 Shwe Sin Ei , Thet Thet Hlaing , Soe Mya Mya Aye PREDICTION AND VISUALIZATION OF MENTAL HEALTH PATTERNS USING MACHINE LEARNING TECHNIQUES* Mental health includes emotional, psychological, and social well-being. As the coronavirus pandemic has spread across the world, the public health crisis has brought with it considerable impact on social and economic. Besides physical health, the psychological impacts of COVID-19 also pose significant risks to mental-wellbeing as the greater levels of stress, depression and anxiety in people. In this paper, patterns of mental health were discovered using public data by machine learning approach. The main contribution of this paper is to provide awareness and nature of mental health to determine the factors that influence mental health across people's lifespans (e.g. genetics, cognition, demographics). This research use three machine learning classifiers: decision tree, random forest and k-nearest neighbour (KNN). The experimental results found that Random Forest classifier achieves the best accuracy. 2024
2400 Kyaw Kyaw Min , Pwint Phyu Khine , Soe Mya Mya Aye EXPLORING THE BIG DATA ANALYTICS TOOLS FOR STRUCTURED AND UNSTRUCTURED DATA Today, as technologies advance, so does the data usage. This makes many organizations need to handle a lot of data creating huge data collection which affects all sectors. A larger amount of data assumingly could give a better output however manipulating such amount of data with different structures becomes a challenge. A specific generation of analytical tools is increasing in use to handle such an increase in the data, structured and unstructured data. With appropriate big data analytical tools, an organization or individual can manipulate large amounts of diverse data to solve specific problems. The major objectives of the research are to analyze some popular big data analytics tools for structured and unstructured data using case studies to support better analytics. 2024