Academic theses and dissertations are regularly published and widely disseminated in YUOE Journal, Monographs, Universities Research Journal (URJ), Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science (MAAS) Journal, AsTEN Research Journal and International online Journals for sharing knowledge and contributing to the development of our education.

No. Researcher Title Abstract Year
121 May Zin Moe ISOLATION OF EIGHT ACTERIAL STRAINS FROM RHIOSPHERIC SOIL OF PEANUT FIELDS The bacterial strains were isolated from the rhizospheric soil of peanut fields. The samples were collected from Shan Ka Lay Kyun village, Amarapura Township, Mandalay Region during August 2016. This experiment was carried out at the Microbiology Laboratory, Department of Botany, University of Mandalay from August 2016 to February 2017. The bacterial strains were isolated by using the Kings B medium. The bacterial strains M 1, M 2, M 3, M 4, M 5, M 6, M 7, M 8 were isolated. These bacterial strains were identified based on their colony morphology and biochemical activities such as catalase test, oxidase test, sugar fermentation test (sucrose, lactose), methyl red (MR) test, voges-proskauer (VP) test, lysine decarboxylase test, citrate utilization test, nitrate reduction test, urease test, triple sugar iron test, starch hydrolysis test, oxygen requirement and motility test. According to the results, the isolated bacterial strains, M 1- M 8 were confirmed as Pseudomonas sp. The colony and cell morphology of eight bacterial strains were described and presented with photomicrographs. 2018
122 Kyaw Soe Khaing SCREENING OF AMYLOLYTIC FUNGI FROM DIFFERENT SOURCES In this study, amylolytic fungi were screened from various sources such as bread, aucus carota L. (carrot), Musa sp. (banana), Sechium edule Sw. (chayote), itis vinifera L. (grape) and Cucurbita maxima Duch. (pumpkin). and soil. Isolated fungi were cultured on the glucose yeast peptone agar medium (GYP medium) for 5 to 11 days. Amylolytic activity was screened as sharp and distinct clear zone using with Grams iodine solution. Three different amylolytic fungi were directly taken from bread (Amblyosporium sp.(1) , Aspergillus sp. (1), Amblyosporium sp. (2)), four different strains from carrot (Aspergillus sp. (2), Aspergillus sp. (3), Aspergillus sp. (4), Aspergillus sp. (5)), 1 strain from banana (otrytis sp.), 1 strain from chayote (Aspergillus sp. (6)), 2 strains from grape (Aspergillus sp. (7), Aspergillus sp. (8)), 1 strain from pumpkin (Penicillium sp. ) and 4 strains from soil (Aspergillus sp. (9), Aspergillus sp. (10), Aspergillus sp. (11), Paecilomyces sp.), respectively. The total number of (16) amylolytic fungi were obtained. 2018
123 Hnin Wit Mhon. FERMENTATION STUDIES OF IOACTIVE FUNGAL STRAIN MM4 ISOLATED FROM THE LEAVES OF SM AJAA L. In this study, bioactive strain MM4 isolated from the leaves of Psidium guaavaL. was utilized to investigate optimal fermentation conditions such as carbon and nitrogen sources, various culture media, age of inoculum, size of inoculum and pH utilization. In carbon sources, sucrose, starch and glycerol were the best whereas yeast, meat, malt and soybean were good nitrogen sources. In antimicrobial activity, sucrose, glucose, starch and mannitol in carbon sources showed high activity against Candida albicans, Escherichia coli and Malasseia furfur while in nitrogen sources, yeast extract, meat extract, and soybean indicated very high activity against Candida albicansand Escherichia coli. In the investigation of morphological characters on eleven media, fermentation media 9, 7 and 10 were good to produce antimicrobial metabolites from strain MM4. Antimicrobial activity of eleven media, fermentation medium 9 showed highest activity against test organisms. Two days old age of inoculum showed highest activity against test organisms. According to the results, size of inoculum (1.5%) and pH 4 with two days old age of inoculum were the best for extraction of the bioactive compounds from fermented broth. 2018
124 Ei Soe Thi Aung MORPHOLOGICAL AND HISTOLOGICAL STUDIES OF MIRABIIS JAAPA L. GROWN IN YANGON UNIVERSITY CAMPUS Mirabilis jalapa L. belongs to the family Nyctaginaceae. In this paper, identification of plant is carried out by using available literatures. Morphological and histological characters of leaves, stems, rhizomes and roots were also carried out by using microscope. In morphological study, the plant is perennial herbs. Leaves opposite. Inflorescences terminal cymes. Flower bracteolate (5-sepaloid ) and hypogynous. Perianth fused. Stamen shortly connate around the ovary. Placentation is basal. In microscopical study, the anticlinal wall of lower surface of lamina is wavier than upper. Anomocytic stomata present only in lower surface of lamina. Vascular bundles of lamina, midrib, and petiole are collateral, medullary bundles also present in middle of midrib and petiole. Raphides are present in mesophyll layer of lamina and also in cortical region of midrib and petiole. In stem, vascular bundles are collateral and medullary bundles are scattered in the ground tissue. In rhizome, vascular bundles are collateral. Rhaphides and starch grains are present. In root, vascular bundle is diarch. Raphides found within the pericycle layer in circular manner. The powered sample has been investigated and presented as diagnostic characters for the standardization of powdered drugs. 2018
125 Swe Zin Soe STUDY ON MORPHOLOGICAL AND HISTOLOGICAL CHARACTERS OF EMIGIA STRBIIERA (L.) R. BR. lemingia strobilifera (L.) R. Br. known as Goung- on- sa in Myanmar was collected. The morphological and histological characters were studied in flowering and fruiting period during 2014-2015. Morphological characters of lemingia strobilifera (L.) R. Br. are shrub, cylindrical stem, unifoliolate leaves, axillary paniculate cymes are enclosed by concave bracts, two-seeded fruits and globoid seeds. In histological study, the leaves possess paracytic stomata on lower surface of lamina, uniseriate and glandular trichomes are present on both surfaces of lamina, midrib, petiole and stem. Vascular bundles are collateral type. Fragments of epidermal cells and stomata, trichomes, fibers, tracheids, pitted vessels, scalariformed vessels and calcium oxalate substances are found in the powdered leaves, stems and roots. Starch grains are abundantly found in roots. 2018
126 Yin Yin Khaing MORPHOLOGICAL, HISTOLOGICAL STUDY OF LEAVES AND PHYTOCHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF LATEX OBTAINED FROM CATRPIS GIGATEA (L.) R.BR AND TEVETIA PERUVIAA (PERS.) SCHUM. Two latex producing plants were used in present study. The first plant,Calotropis gigantea (L.) R. Br is collected from Dagon University Campus and its local name is Mayoe-gyi (oleander in English) and belongs to the family Asclepidaceae. The second one hevetia peruviana (Pers.) taken from the area of North Dagon Township. Myanmar people call it Set-hnit-ya-thi (Madar in English) and belongs to the family Apocynaceae. The collected plants were subjected in the plantidentification using the available literatures at the Botany Department, Dagon University.In morphological study the Calotropis gigantea (L.) R. Br. was perennial shrub. Leaves were usually simple and milky latex present. hevetia peruviana (Pers.) Schum.leaves were simple, spirally arranged and also produce milky latex. The histological study, free hand sections of fresh specimen of leaves were studied under the microscope. The upper epidermal cells of Calotropis gigantea (L.) R. Br. were polygonal in shaped, the stomata were paracytic type and found on both surfaces. In hevetia peruviana (Pers.) Schum., the upper surface view of cells were wavy in shaped, the stomata were anomocytic type and found on the lower epidermis of the leaf. In transverse section, vascular bundles of the two plants were bicollateral type and crescent shaped. The preliminary phytochemical properties were also examined from the latex of these two plants by using the methods of Central Council for Research in Unani Medicine.The presence of glycoside was mostly found in phytochemcial examination. Latex in nature is a milky fluid found in 10% of all flowering plants. The latex of many species can be processed to produce many materials. 2018
127 Aye Thida Aung SCREENING OF SOIL FUNGI FROM MAGWAY TOWNSHIP AND IDENTIFICATION OF SELECTED SOIL FUNGUS ESPECIALLY AGAINST STAPHOCOCCS AES Polygonum chinense L. is a medicinal plant which was collected from Yangon area (Botanical garden, Yangon University, Kamayut Township and Yankin Township).The plant verification was carried out. The morphological characteristics such as Inverted v shaped deep purple spot present on the surface of the leaf, ochreate stipule, inflorescence of terminal paniculate corymbose cymes, elliptic bract, apetalous flower, eight fertile stamens, tri-fid style, tri-gonous ovary were apparently observed in the species. Microscopic characteristics of the leaves and powdered drug were examined. Microscopic study showed that stomata were anomocytic type which was abundant in lower surface of the leaf, calcium oxalate crystals and tannin occurred here and there in the leaf. Nutritional values of the leaves showed that carbohydrate was the main component followed by vitamin C while fat and vitamin B1, were also found. The leaf parts are used for boiling leaves to eat with Ngapi and put that leaves in fish curry. This plant can be used for the disease of rheumatism. It also be used for future research investigation of a such kind of disease. 2018
128 Win Theingi Aung STUDY ON PALYNOLOGICAL, NUTRITIONAL VALUES AND ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF BEE POLLEN FROM DIVISION OF APICULTURE, NAYPYITAW Bee pollens of kapok and sunflower field sites were collected from Division of Apiculture, Naypyitaw during June-February, 2017. Bee pollens come from the pollen baskets of returning foragers of bee were gathered by bee house. Bee pollen grains were examined by light microscope and photomicrographs. The characters of each pollen grain were identified and classified by using literatures. Pollen grains of 12 species belonging to 10 genera of 8 families were found in the kapok and sunflower field sites. They are lbizia, Mimosa, Ceiba,Celosia, Physalis and ernonia. And then, the pollen species of sunflower field sites were obtained lbizia, Brassica, ichardsonia, cimum, elianthus and ernonia. Among them, ernonia pollen grains are found in both two sites. The pollen grains are monads, tetrads and polyads. Tetrad grain is observed in only one species Mimosa; polyads as in 2 species of lbizia and the remaining of 9 species are monads. The aperture type, number, position, size, sculptures of each grain were presented and varied. There are colpate, colporate and porate. The aperture types are 3 species of colpate (Brassica, ichardsonia and cimum), 3 species of colporate (Ceiba, Physalis and elianthus) and 3 species of porate (Mimosa, Celosia, ernonia and 2 species of lbizia). The smallest pollen (15.5 17.5 16.5 18.0 m) is Mimosa pudica L. and the largest pollen (43.8 102.5 75.5 120.0 m) is lbizia saman (Jac.) Merr. The nutritional values were carried out at Department of Research and Innovation Analysis Department. According to the analysis of D.R.I, nutritional values of bee pollens were found carbohydrate (sugar) as major constituents and followed by protein. And then, antimicrobial activity was performed in the microbiological laboratory of Dagon University. The ethanolic and methanolic extracts of bee pollen had provided the best clear zone against Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in microbial activity. 2018
129 Nilar Soe MORPHOLOGICAL AND ANATOMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF VIGA RADIATA (L.) WILCEK. IN MANDALAY REGION Morphological and anatomical characters of leaves, stems and roots of igna radiata (L.) Wilczek. belonging to family Fabaceae (SubfamilyPapilionoideae) were studied. The specimens were collected from Myingyan Township, Mandalay Region. In morphological characters, the plants were observed annual erect herb with brown hirsute. Leaves were pinnately trifoliolate compound and sparsely pilose. The flowers were bisexual, zygomorphic, pentamerous, hypogynous and papilionaceous. Pods were dehiscent, sparely pale brown hirsute and seeds greenish or yellowish green, glabrous. In anatomical characters, paracyctic type of stomata was observed on both surfaces of laminae. The opposite system of two vascular bundles was observed in the midrib. The vascular bundles of stem were showed continuous circular ring. The vascular bundles of petioles, lamina, midribs and stems were collateral type. The vascular bundles of roots were found tetrarch to polyarch. 2018
130 Ei Theingi Win INVESTIGATION OF PHYTOCHEMICAL CONSTITUENTS, PHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITIES FROM THE LEAVES OF SEA AURICUATA (L.) ROXB. The plant Senna auriculata (L.) Roxb., belong to the family Fabaceae (former Caesalpiniaceae ). It is widely distributed in Myanmar. This plant is one of the famous medicinal plants that found in Mandalay, Magway and Sagaing Regions. In this paper, the preliminary phytochemical tests, physicochemical properties, nutritional value and antimicrobial activities of Senna auriculata (L.) Roxb. have been described. In Morphological study, this plant is a shrub which has cylindrical stem, brown in colour with several branches. The leaves are paripinnately compound with auriculate stipules. Inflorescences terminal or axillary, corymbose racemes, flowers are bright yellow. The fruits are oblongoid pods and flattened. The powdered leaves were tested for the phytochemical constituents and physicochemical properties. Alkaloid, glycoside, carbohydrate, -amino acid, phenolic compound, flavonoid, terpenoid, steroid, tannin and reducing sugar were present but cyanogenic glycoside, starch and saponin were absent in samples. According to physicochemical examination, the powder of leaves were most soluble in water and moderately soluble in ethanol and methanol. The nutrient content of leaves were also studied. It revealed that the presence of protein, crude fiber and crude fat. Antimicrobial activities of Senna auriculata ( L.) Roxb. were also tested by using agar-well diffusion method with six pathogenic microorganisms. In this experiment, acetone extract of leaves showed the most effective activities against Pseudomonas aeruginosa , Bacillus pumalis and Escherichia coli . The ethanol extract showed more antimicrobial activities against Bacillus subtilis and Candida albicans. Senna auriculata (L.) Roxb was observed to have antimicrobial activity and can be used for medicinal purposes. 2018