Academic theses and dissertations are regularly published and widely disseminated in YUOE Journal, Monographs, Universities Research Journal (URJ), Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science (MAAS) Journal, AsTEN Research Journal and International online Journals for sharing knowledge and contributing to the development of our education.

No. Researcher Title Abstract Year
141 Thant Sin FLUVIAL TIDAL TRANSITIONAL CHANGES OF SITTAUNG RIVER IN MYANMAR: EMPHASIS ON POINTBAR GEOMORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERS OF PAUMYAUNG, MADAUK AND KYAIKTO AREAS Three areas were selected and observed for this study which includes the Pazumyaung area, Madauk area and Kyaikto area along Sittaung River in Myanmar. Geomorphologic measurements, samples collection and outcrop measurements were carried out during dry season when water level was low and most of point bars were exposed. Geomorphological characters of Sittaung River were determined based on UTM maps, Google earth maps and Landsat images by using geospatial analysis, studying of scroll bar pattern and observing sinuosity and width of the river. The distinguishing of both surface sediment distribution and sedimentary structures of point bar were provided for the geomorphological characters. By the analytical data, the fluvial dominated zone is Pazumyaung area, tidal and fluvial transitional zone is Madauk area and tidal dominated zone is Kyaikto area. The water body changes and channel migration of Sittaung River are analyzed by using density slice on ENVI 4.7. South of Madauk area and Kyeikto area are highly environmentally changed areas where natural disasters such as river flooding and flooding related environmental problems in Sittaung River and its environs are likely to occur. 2018
142 Ohnmar Soe Yin THE EARLY PERMIAN BRACHIOPODA FROM WEKABIN RANGE, HPAAN TOWNSHIP This paper concerns with the Taungnyo Formation and the Moulmein Limestone from the Zwekabin Range with regard to their biostratigraphy and age according to the Early Permian Brachiopod fauna. Fourteen species belonging to thirteen genera are reported as collected from three localities of the Zwekabin Range. Two new species Verneuilia n.sp. and Vediproductus n.sp. are described. The most common species are Spinomartinia prolifica, Retimarginifera alata, Retimarginifer sp. and Cancrinella sp. together with Productus cf. carbonaricusde Koninck, Kasetia kaseti Waterhouse, Phricodothyris sp., Chonetinella sp., Kutorginella sp., Neospirifer sp., Neochonetes sp. and Spiriferellina sp. The three brachiopod biozones namely as Arctitreta-Bandoproductus Zone, Spinomartinia prolifica Zone and orridonia timanica Zone which are regarded as Early Permian (Sakmarian to Kungurian) in age. The brachiopod fauna from the Taungnyo Formation and the Moulmein Limestone is considered to be equivalent of the early Permian brachiopod from the upper Kaeng Krachan Group and Rat Buri Limestone of Thailand. 2018
143 Tun Naing Zaw GEOHAARDS AND PRELIMINARY STUDIES ON ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION IN BAGAN NYAUNG OO AREA, MANDALAY REGION Bagan-Nyaung Oo area is the most picturesqu earchitectural complex in Myanmar. Bagan–Nyaunng Oo area is situated between 944500 E to 9500 00 E and 2100 00 to 2115 00 N. The research aims are to demonstrate the application of Remote Sensing (especially satellite image analysis) and to interpret the Engineering Geology approach to Environmental Geology and vice versa. The research area covers mostly the alluvial plain flanking the Ayeyarwady River and partly the debris and small fan materials derived from Tuywin Taung and Tantkyi Taung hills whichare exposed with rocks of Miocene to Oligocene. Bed rock in the area is mainly represented by rocks of Irrawaddy Formation (Late Miocene to Pliocene), Okhmintaung Formation (Upper Oligocene) and Padaung Formation and Shwezettaw Formation (Lower Oligocene). Mainly the alluvial soils of Quaternary-Recent are deposited on the plain and along the river banks by fluvial action.The areas susceptible to landslides, rock falls, mass movements, and debris flows hazards are demarcated in the Tuywin Taung and Tantkyi Taungthat have been encountered with a number of small tension cracks, active and old landslides. Side cutting in both sides of Ayeyarwady River banks is caused by river bank scouring and rain water resulting into steep slopes. In the rainy season, low lands adjacent to the Ayeyarwady River and the main streams in the area are affected by flood. Low to medium bearing capacity areas are concentrated in the areas where active alluvial fan and river bed deposits. Most of the plain area is covered by a firm soil with a stable bearing capacity and so appropriate for small to medium scale construction purposes. Several locations of construction materials quarry sites are seen in the study area. Improper quarrying of construction materials trigger the landslides and river bank scouring. Existing land use patterns in the study area are agricultural, sparse forest and scrub, settlements, industries, recreation centres infrastructures, small land fill and waste disposal sites. The root causes of river water pollution in Nyaung Oo area are direct connection of sewage drainage, sewage pipe line, haphazard disposal of industrial, hospital and hotels waste in open space and stream and improper dumping of solid wastes into the riverside area. Earthquakes on July 8th, 1975 and August 24th, 2016, severely damaged more than half of the important structures and irreparably destroyed many of them. Flood causes, destruction by earthquakes, landslides and erosion and LCLU (Land Cover/Land Use) evaluation are mentioned. The research would be a general help to planners and developers at local level particularly in hazard mitigation, environmental management and civil engineering developments within the research area. 2018
144 Phone Pyae Nyunt Petrography and Lithofacies Analysis of Shwezetaw Formation, Northern Part of Letpanto Area, Pauk Township, Magway Region, Myanmar The present study area occupies a small portion of the Minbu basin. The study area is mainly underlain by mollassic clastic sedimentary rocks of Pegu Group in Tertiary Age. The stratigraphic units, namely, the Shawezetaw Formation (Early Oligocene), the Padaung Formation (Middle Oligocene) and the Kyaukkok Formation (Middle Miocene) are exposed in the study area. The Shwezetaw Formation consists of fine to medium grained, grey to yellowish brown coloureds and stone, which are Lithic Arkose and Feldspathic Litharenite in composition. The diagenesis of the study area can be categorized into two main stages such as early diagenesis and late diagenesis. Packing of the sandstone is largely dependent on the grain size, shape and sorting. The Shwezetaw Formation has four lithofacies representing two lithofacies association. They are delta plain facies association and delta front facies association. The Shwezetaw Formation was deposited in deltaic depositional environment during a regressive phase of sea level. 2018
145 Wai Yan Lai Aung GRANULITE AND ITS CONDITION OF THE MOUNT LOISAU AND ITS ENVIRONS, MOGOK TOWNSHIP, MANDALAY REGION AND MOMEIK TOWNSHIP, SHAN STATE (NORTH) A new unit composed of felsic and mafic granulitic rocks are exposed in the study area. Granulite (Latin granulum, a little grain) is a name first introduced by petrographers. Such a rock is characterized by a mineral assemblage that was developed under high-grade metamorphic conditions. Granulites were observed around Mogok and Momeik area. The writer will try to draw some comparisons between felsic and mafic granulite of the study area with reference to the theoretical definitions by some authors and websites. The study area is situated in the remote area between Mogok Township, Mandalay Region and Momeik Township, Shan State (North), on either side of Mogok-Momeik motor road. The study area, which is a segment of the Mogok Metamorphic Belt, is mainly composed of metamorphic rocks and granitic and syenitic intrusions. Taking the metamorphic rock units of the study area into consideration, granulite rock is fairly exposed and it is associated with both sillimanite-garnet-biotite gneiss and interbedded with marble and calc-silicate rocks. Granulite unit is intruded by syenitic and granitic rock. Granulite can be subdivided into two distinct units based on pyroxene percentage (< and > 30); felsic granulite (<30) (sapphirine-hypersthene-garnet-biotite granulite) and mafic granulite (>30) (pyroxene granulite), respectively. Petrochemically, sillimanite-garnet-biotite gneisses in the study area have reached granulite facies (730-810 ºC 6.5-9.3 kbar), characterized by the mineral assemblages and petrochemical results from EPMA and XRF. The P-T condition of granulite rocks in the study area should probably be the same as and/ or greater than the P-T condition of the high-grade gneiss of the study area, according to the mineral assemblages: orthopyroxene alkali feldspar biotite chlorite plagioclase garnet quartz rutile sillimanite sapphirine opaque hercynite sillimanite sericite zircon ilmenite of felsic granulite and mineral assemblages clinopyroxene biotite plagioclase (andesine) alkali feldspar quartz perthite orthopyroxene sphene opaque chalcedony antigorite of mafic granulite. 2018
146 Aye Nyein Thu PETROGRAPHIC DESCRIPTION OF IGNEOUS ROCKS OF THE ASIN AREA, YE TOWNSHIP, MON STATE The research area is situated 9.6 km to the Southwest of Ye. The structural trend of research area is generally N-S to NNW-SSE. It is mainly composed of igneous rocks such as diorite, porphyritic biotite granite, biotite granite, biotitemicrogranite, microdiorite dyke and pegmatite dykes. Hypidiomorphic granular texture is found in all units of the research area. In granitic rocks, quartz, orthoclase, biotite and plagioclase are major constituents. Zircon, sphene, apatite and opaque are minor constituents. Feldspar occurs as phenocrysts. Biotite was altered to chlorite along the cleavage planes and some are bent due to deformationin porphyritic biotite granite. Hornblende is the chief mafic mineral in diorite. In microdiorite dyke, biotite is main mafic mineral and altered to chlorite. In IUGS classification, biotite granite and porphyritic biotite granite fall in syeno granite and diorite falls in quartz monzodiorite fields. Igneous rocks can be used as construction and road materials and decorative stones. 2018
147 Thet Tin Nyunt THE CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF MAN SIN SPINEL, MOGOK, MYANMAR Man Sin is located about 5 km to the northeast of Mogok. It is bounded by Latitudes 22 57 05 to 2258 30 N and Longitudes 96 32 00 to 96 33 00 E, in part of UTM Map 47Q KF 2296- 09. Jedi spinel (Hot spinel) was first discovered at Man Sin mine in 2009. This mine produces as varieties of coloured spinel, but most of them are intense red spinel principally Jedi spinel (Hot spinel).Chemical analyses of Man Sin spinel indicate that Al2O3ranges from (71.5 – 60.5 wt ) and MgO from (26.6 – 18.5 wt ). The high concentrations of elements were Cr (3.66 – 0.008 ppm), V (0.633 – 0.005 ppm), Fe (2 – 0.03 ppm), Zn (0.725- 0.038) and Zr (1.103 – 0.219 ppm) respectively. Ti (0.113 – 0.008 ppm) and Ga (0.052 – 0.003 ppm) are generally low in concentration. FeTivsVCr and CrTivsVFe plots indicate that they are negatively associated. In Fe-V- Cr Ternary diagram, the red spinel from the Man Sin mine has two population: one is coloured by higher Cr content (> 80 ppm) and V content (> 40 ppm) but Fe content is (12 to < 10 ppm) in red spinel. The other group has average value of Cr and V ranging from (40-60 ppm). In these two groups, one which has higher Cr content shows more attractive red colour. Moreover, pink spinel also shows two groups. One is rich in Cr and other is rich in V. Fe concentration in these two groups is intermediate (35-55 ppm). One sample shows the significantly excessive Fe concentration (nearly 100 ppm) and thus the colour of this spinel is greenish blue. Trace elements (V, Ti and Zr) are positively associated with Cr but other trace elements such as Fe, Ga and Zn are negatively associated with Cr, which display increase of Cr content with decrease of Fe, Ga and Zn contents. Conversely, red spinel from Htayan Sho mine indicates that Fe content is (> 40 ppm) and the amount of V and Cr contents is (< 60 ppm). So, the constraint on the attractive colour of Man Sin Hot spinel is due to the Cr rather than other trace elements such as V and Fe; pink and purple spinel are due to Fe and Cr, V and Ti, and the green spinel is due to the Fe. On the other hand, red spinel from Htanyan Sho is due to the average concentration of Fe and V rather than Cr and the purple spinel is due to higher concentration of Fe than V respectively. 2018
148 Su Latt Mon GEOLOGY AN PETROGRAPHY OF IGNEOS ROCKS IN ANIN AREA, YE TOWNSHIP The study area is located in the northwestern part of Ye Township, Mon State. The area coverage is about 35.84 square kilometres in one inch topographic map No. 95 E/15. The igneous rock units are generally trending NNW-SSE. Diorite is found along the shore-line. Porphyritic biotite granite is the most abundant rock type and well exposed in the central part. Biotite granite is second abundant rock type. It occurs in the southern part of the study area. Biotite microgranite exposed at the Phalaing Taung. Microdiorite is found as dyke which intruding the porphyritic biotite granite. Lamprophyre dyke is intruding porphyritic biotite granite and biotite microgranite. Quartzofeldspathic vein and quartz vein are also intruding older rock units. Hypidiomorphic granular texture is found occurs in diorite, porphyritic biotite granite, biotite granite and biotite microgranite. Panidiomorphic granular texture is observed in lamprophyre. Quartz, orthoclase, microcline and biotite are major components in granitic rocks. Muscovite, zircon, apatite, epidote, sphene and magnetite are found as accessory minerals. According to modal analysis of I.U.G.S classification diagram, diorite falls in the quartz-monzodiorite field. Porphyritic biotite granite, and biotite granite, and biotite microgranite falls in the syenogranite and monzo-granite fields. Igneous rocks can be used as decorative stones, construction and road materials. 2018
149 Aung Swe STY ON MORPHOLOGICAL CHANGE OF AYEYARWAY RIVER FROM PYAY TO HINTHAA River morphology has been a subject of great challenge to scientists. It is based on a proper understanding of the morphological features and changes. In this paper, an overview of river morphology is presented from the geomorphic viewpoint. The main aim is to describe river channels shape and how they change overtime. This study examines the morphological change of Ayeyarwady River from Pyay to Hinthada segment by using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technique. Channel pattern and channel movement, channel bar formation and morphology of point-bar have been identified using a time series images from Google Earth Engine (2015, 2011, 2006, 2001, 1996 and 1991). Settlement areas are also extracted from topographic maps of 1945 and 2002. ArcGIS is used for visual screen digitizing and to obtain accurate information about river channel movement. 2018
150 Hla Yin Nu TORISM AS A RIVER FOR SOCIO-ECONOMIC EVELOPMENT POTENTIALS OF PYAY AREA, MYANMAR This Paper attempts to analyse the contributions of the tourism sector in Pyay Area, Myanmar. Pyay and its surrounding areas originally posses a wide range of unique potentials for a diversified tourism development. Tourism has positive socio-economic impacts on the livelihoods of the local people. Recommendations are suggested for the provision of knowledge and skills related to the tourism business to the community in order to improve the well-being of locals from which the entire area and many parts of the society can benefit. In this study, primary data as field observations and expert interviews were conducted and secondary data and GIS analysis mapping explores for the touristic locations in the Pyay Area. The paper identifies the contributions of the tourism sector of cultural potentials and attempts to analyse socio-economic benefits of the tourism industry. 2018