Academic theses and dissertations are regularly published and widely disseminated in YUOE Journal, Monographs, Universities Research Journal (URJ), Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science (MAAS) Journal, AsTEN Research Journal and International online Journals for sharing knowledge and contributing to the development of our education.

No. Researcher Title Abstract Year
151 Nwe Yin Min ASSESSMENT OF RRAL ROA NETWORK ON SOCIOECONOMIC EVELOPMENT OF PYAY TOWNSHIP THE CASE STY OF WETHTIKAN AREA This research work emphasizes on the assessment of rural road network on socio-economic development of Pyay Township: the case study of Wethtikan Area. Inadequate road investment results in road network not being able to be developed and expanded and it is also difficult to maintain existing roads. The consequence is deterioration of the road network that not only limits accessibility, mobility and regional connectivity of a country, but also results in increased production and transport cost. Rural transport depends on appropriate infrastructure, where rural infrastructure consists mainly of rural road, tracks, and footpaths. Wethtikan Area is situated in Pyay Township of Bago Region (West). It is 28.97 km (18 miles) away from Pyay. It is composed of 21 village tracts and 101 villages. An increased interest in rural roads investment potential has developed in recent years. This is mainly due to the need for development of rural as well as the advantageous that road investment could generate on rural communities. The aim of this paper is to discuss the assessment of rural road network on socio-economic development. To present this paper, field observation was systematically done for the purpose of presenting rural road network on socio-economic development of Wethtikan Area. In methodology, primary source (field survey and interviews with department concerned and local peoples) and secondary sources on types of roads and network, education and health care etc. are collected from departments concerned 2018
152 Htay Htay Naing CASES OF IN-MIGRATION IN HLAINGTHARYAR TOWNSHIP, YANGON CITY According to the 1973 census, the population of Yangon City was just a little over 2 million (2,015,230) and it increased to 2.26 millions in the next 10 years in 1983. When the latest population census was taken in August, 2014, the population of Yangon City rose to over 5 million (5,209,541) with 1,093,200 households representing 10.13 percent of the total population of the country (Immigration and Manpower Department of Yangon, 2014). The increase of population in Yangon City was largely due to in-migration from different parts of the country for seeking higher income and better job, being the largest commercial city of the country. Out of 33 townships of Yangon City, migration is highest in Hlaingtharyar Township. The main aim of this study is to give suggestions for solving problems related to migration in Hlaingtharyar Township. The objectives are to understand the factors that cause migration and to inquire the push and pull factors of migration in Hlaingtharyar Township. Primary data collected from the field observation through structured questionnaires have been used in this study. A number of variables causing migration have been identified. To assess the strength and weakness which can bring about opportunities and threats due to in-migration SWOT analysis is applied. 2018
153 Khin Kay Khaing GEOGRAPHIC ASSESSMENT ON SPATIAL VARIATION OF LAN SRFACE TEMPERATRES IN YANGON CITY Biophysical attributes of earth surface in non-evaporating and impervious materials cause the solar energy to raise Land Surface Temperature (LST). At present, LST obtained by satellite technology can furnish effective assessment of surface temperatures variation than thermometer network based assessments. The main aim of this study is to evaluate the use of Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing for assessing temperature differences in Yangon City area. The estimation of surface temperature variation and areas of high temperature is the major objectives of this study. Local studies of LST need to use a sensor with high resolution, therefore, Thermal data of Landsat 5 TM, Landsat 7 ETM+ and Landsat 8 with resolution of 30 meter for 1994, 2003, and 2014 are used respectively in this study. The output LSTs are classified into only two classes between low and high temperature areas according to the temperature ranges. Again the total area of Yangon City is divided into five categories from high temperature to low temperature for clear distinguishing. The obtained output images of LST are exported to present as layout maps for better understanding of the temperature variation in the area. It was observed that areas having built up surfaces contain high temperatures compared to the areas having vegetation cover. The thermal energy responses of different structures of the City indicate the variations in surface temperature. Ground-based observations reflect only thermal condition around the station. However, by using remote sensing thermal bands in this study enable to get the thermal condition for each pixel and assess the spatial variation of temperatures on the whole area of city. 2018
154 Myo Myo Khine CHANGE ANALYSIS OF INICES (NWI, NVI,NI) FOR MAWLAMYINE CITY AREA SING GOOGLE EARTH ENGINE Until last year, most of the scholars in Geography face many problems to get fine resolution satellite images, to have small knowledge for geo-spatial techniques and difficult the use of GIS analysis as professional. To overcome the above said limitations, Google Earth Engine (GEE) can be able to get a lot of satellite images easily, easy access to data, online platform with scientific algorithms, computational power and etc. This research is analyzedusing GEE platform for temporal and spatial change of urban area which is based on satellite imagery from Landsat 5and Landsat 8 Top of Atmosphere (TOA) as inputs for Mawlamyine City, Mon State. The analysis of indices: normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), normalized difference water index (NDWI) and normalized difference built-up index (NDBI) produce fine-quality of vegetation, water and built-up values. Although the dataset can facilitate these three indices in any platform, this paper highlight its potential use in GEE for temporal scale analysis of the urbanization process. The main aim is to evaluate the extracted values from three indices that can be applied to GEE platform for urban area analysis. The results show that the reflected values of vegetation, water and built-up in Mawlamyine City during the three time periods (1997, 2007 and 2017). This process requires reliable and comprehensive checked with field survey data for build up to validate of these products. Actually the result of built-up area comprises with the mixture of built up and bare land. It can also be reclassified with the positive and negative Digital Numbers (DNs) for built-up and bare areas. Thermal Infrared Sensor(TIRS) can only classify as an indicator to separate built-up from non-built-up areas (bare land) but this paper cannot calculated this processes to preparing for further study. 2018
155 Ohanmar Thein IMPACTS OF FLOOING AN RIVER ANK EROSION ON LOCAL PEOPLE OF HINTHAA TOWNSHIP, AYEYARWAY REGION Flooding and River bank erosion have emerged as one of the environmental problems in Hinthada Township. Hinthada Township is located on Ayeyarwady Deltaic Area known as Myanmar Granary and is located on the western Bank of Ayeyarwady River. As the study area is located on the bank of Ayeyarwady River in the deltaic area, flooding and bank erosion occur every year. At present, flooding and bank erosion are more severe in the area due to climate change and agricultural land was eroded yearly. Because of flooding and bank erosion, status of education, health and economy of the local people are low. Existing fertile kaing land support crop cultivation and local farmers cultivate seasonal crops especially kaing crops in flood free period. To get higher income through crop cultivation, farmers practice adaptable ways in crop cultivation. The objectives of the paper are to understand flooding and bank erosion in the area, to study loss of agriculture land, to assess the socio economic impacts of river bank erosion and to find the perception on adaptability and resilience of the inhabitants. Field observation was thoroughly done to get detail understanding on impacts of flooding and river bank erosion. To illustrate local people perspectives on bank erosion, focus group discussion was done. To present the paper, qualitative quantitative mixed method will be applied. 2018
156 Thin Thin Khaing COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF RETAIL SHOPS ALONG OHM PHOKN AN TANGOO NIVERSITY ROAS This paper analyse the retail shops of Bohmu Phokun and Taungoo University roads between 2007 and 2017. As the population increasein Myanmar, development process occur in every sector. Taungoo city either increased in total population or urban area. Taungoo lies within northern part of eastern Bago Region. It is also second largest district city after Bago city. It is located in southern part of Taungoo Township which is composed of 38 village tracts. These village tracts serve as hinterland of Taungoo city economy. Moreover, the development of educational centre such as Taungoo University, Teacher Training College, Computer University and GTC (Government Technology College) are established in Taungoo city environment. New Teacher Training College and Taungoo University are situated in western part of Taungoo city. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the influencing factors for the temporal changes of the pattern, types and style of retail shops. This paper is represented by the comparative study of retail shops for the years 2007 and 2017 along the Bohmu Phokun and Taungoo University roads which connect Taungoo and Taungoo University and Teacher Training College. Data was collected by field survey and structured interview for 2017 and comparative study was made based on 2007. Spatial analysis of retail shops is conducted by using GIS (Geographic Information System). The changes of the pattern, types and style of retail shops can be found year by year according to many background influencing factors especially Taungoo University and Teacher Training College. It is noted that the landuse pattern has been changed from agricultural landuse and residential landuse to commercial landuse along these roads especially between Taungoo and Taungoo University. 2018
157 Swe Zin Theik AGRICLTRAL TRANSFORMATION PROCESSES IN MYANMAR FARMING OF INSTRIAL CROPS IN AGO REGION (WEST) Major economic policy of Myanmar changed since the introduction of the market- oriented economy in 1988 carried out in the agriculture sector. Industrial crop farming of Bago Region(West) changed after 1988 in the transformation of agriculture. Spatial impacts of government policy on input costs, farm size, land tenure systems, labour supply, farmer decision-making and market opportunities were observed during the transformation processes. In this research, the controlling factors that caused changes of industrial crop farming are studied by using qualitative and quantitative methods. This research attempts to analyze the agricultural land use and changes in agriculture pattern in Bago Region (West ) area by the case study on industrial crop farming villages of Pyay Township, Paukkhaung Township and Monyo Township .Better and more feasible means for industrial crop farming are searched and recommended for further development 2018
158 Thwe Thwe Aye A GEOGRAPHICAL STY ON THE SPATIAL ISTRITION OF ASIC ECATION SCHOOLS IN SINGAING TOWNSHIP, MANALAY REGION This research work emphasizes on the spatial distribution of basic education schools in Singaing Township. It is focused on the facts of topographic conditions, age structure, the distribution of population, number of students and basic education schools. Although the western two-thirds of Singaing Township is flat plain, the rest located in the eastern part is the continuation of Shan Highland. Moreover, the study area is an agricultural region, and , lakes, weirs and canals are mostly found. For these conditions, there are many physical barriers that can impact on students. So, the followings were laid down as the research questions. (1) What is the spatial distribution pattern of basic education schools in Singaing Township (2) How far the students have taken to travel to attend for their basic education (3) Where is it necessary to allocate new school or to upgrade the existing school To answer the above questions, both spatial (location) and attribute (function) data with regard to basic education schools are collected by field survey. Necessary data are obtained from various government offices. In this study, the numbers of basic education schools with their respective students are recognized in (2016-17) Academic Year. Then, their spatial distribution patterns are analyzed by using spatial statistical analysis, especially point density analysis and buffer analysis. As a result, the villages which have no primary school (BEPS) and the middle schools (BEMS) that need to upgrade into high school (BEHS) could be observed. 2018
159 Yi Yi Cho CONSTRAINTS AN OPPORTNITIES OF RICE-ASE FARMING SYSTEM IN THE AYEYARWAY ELTA A CASE OF PANTANAW TOWNSHIP, AYEYARWAY REGION, MYANMAR Myanmars economy is predominantly based on agriculture. The study area is located in Ayeyarwady Delta, the rice bowl of Myanmar which produces most of the rice requirements of the country. This area is naturally provided with deltaic alluvial soil and abundant monsoon rainfall. Thus, rice-based farming system in the study area is the most important farming system covering about 40000 hectares. Rice in the study area has reached self-sufficiency for local consumption and surplus is being exported. However rice-based farming system faces a number of constraints at the farm level due to yearly flooding. Opportunities exist for one or more new rice cultivation techniques and varieties to be adopted in farming system. The objectives of this study are to present rice cultivation practices and farming system employed by the local farmers and to present the constraints encountered in their rice-based farming system and opportunities resulted from RBFS. Focus group discussion, in-depth interviews, and field observations are the key techniques for this research. Deep water field is the largest sown area with 57.92 percent of the total rice cultivated area in the township. The results show that constraints encountered in RBFS of study area is related to flooding. Opportunities can be also resulted for this farming system in future. 2018
160 Thin Thin Myat ASSESSMENT OF INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL MIGRATION PATTERNS OF THITTOAN VILLAGE TRACT, CHAU TOWNSHIP, MAGWAY REGION (MYANMAR) is study intends primariy to inestigate te socioeconomic actiities and migration patterns of ittoan iage ract, au onsip, agay egion yanmar. Furtermore, migrant incomes i e studied. e oecties of te study are 1 to study te sociaeconomic actiities of rura residents, to inestigate te rura migration tat can infuence income of rura famiies, and to eamine interna and eterna migration patterns of rura famiies, and 4 to suggest ays of reducing rura migration in te study area. eeant data i e eicited from ot te primary and secondary information, ic i e anayed y using samping metods and uaitatie assessment. e resuts of te findings so tat interna migration is iger tan eterna migration in te study area.oreoer, te iagers eiee tat ot interna and eterna migration contriute to te reduction of poerty in arious ays, it some ney emerging studies reeaing tat migration eps poor famiies to cope it ris and to smoot incomes. 2018