Academic theses and dissertations are regularly published and widely disseminated in YUOE Journal, Monographs, Universities Research Journal (URJ), Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science (MAAS) Journal, AsTEN Research Journal and International online Journals for sharing knowledge and contributing to the development of our education.

No. Researcher Title Abstract Year
2191 Nyunt Lwin USING OF MACRO-AQUATIC INSECTS IN WATER QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF TAUNGTHAMAN LAKE, AMARAPURA TOWNSHIP, MANDALAY REGION An investigation using macro-aquatic insects in water quality assessment was carried out at Taungthaman Lake, during July 2019 to June 2020. The specimen collection was conducted using D-framed net by drifting method. A total of 3196 individuals of 30 species, belonging to 29 genera, 21 families under nine orders were recorded. The water quality was assessed as fairly poor in the studied lake. The highest degradation of water quality (BI) was (7.34) examined at Site I in cold season, and the lowest degradation (BI) was (6.67) at Site II in rainy season. Nowadays, Taungthaman Lake is important to maintain the healthy water body because human invaded and utilized the land for settlement around the lake. The lake water was disturbed by the human activities. Thus, the water quality was degraded to unusable condition. 2023
2192 Win Ei Khaing INCIDENCE OF SOME INSECT SPECIES ON SOLANUM MELONGENA L., 1753 IN MAGWAY TOWNSHIP Eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) also called aubergine or brinjal, is one of the top ten vegetables in the world. Eggplant is also one of the most important vegetables in Asia. The present study was conducted at eggplant plantations of Magway Township during December 2019 to August 2020. A total number of (3743) insects were recorded, and they were listed under 24 species of 24 genera belonging to 16 families of six orders during the study period. Among the recorded species, 20 species were identified as pests and the other four species as beneficial or predatory insects. In the present study, eight species of Lepidoptera (33.33%), seven species of Hemiptera (29.17%), and six species of Coleoptera (25%), while Orthoptera, Neuroptera and Diptera were recorded only one species (4.17%) each during the study period. In the present study, the maximum number of individuals was recorded in order Hemiptera by (1032) individuals (73.71%), while the minimum number of individuals in Orthoptera as one individual (0.07%) was recorded in the study site I. The maximum number of 1032 individuals (73.71%) was recorded in order Hemiptera while the minimum number of one individual (0.07%) in Orthoptera was recorded in the study site I. The maximum number of 917 individuals (74.92%) was collected in order Hemiptera, and the minimum number of eight individuals (0.65%) was collected in Neuroptera in the study site II. In the study site III, the maximum number of 851 individuals (76.05%) was recorded in order Hemiptera, while the minimum number of ten individuals (0.89%) in Neuroptera was recorded during the study period. Hemipterans species were predominant on eggplant growing in the study area. 2023
2193 Yu Yu Aye MYXOZOSPOREAN INFECTION IN THE MUSCLES OF CIRRHINUS MRIGALA (HAMILTON, 1822) The two types of Myxobolus species were recorded in the muscles of Cirrhinus mrigala collected from Yezin Fisheries Station, Nay Pyi Taw. The plasmodia of Myxobolus sp. containing with mature spores in the central part of the plasmodia were bounded by single-unit membrane in contact with the muscle tissues. Spores of Myxobolus rohitae, measured 11.6µm ± 1.8µm in length and 9.1µm ± 0.9µm in width and appeared elongated ellipsoidal in valvular view. Polar capsules were pyriform, equal and sporoplasm granular present. Spores of Myxobolus sp., measured 11.6µm ± 1.1µm in length and 7.6µm ± 0.8µm in width in valvular view. Two polar capsules were slightly pyriform and unequal in shape, larger 5.0µm ± 1.1µmx3.3µm ± 0.5µm and smaller 3.5µm ± 0.8µmx3.3µm ± 0.5µm in size. The highest prevalence of Myxobolus rohitae infection (48%) was recorded in July, 2019 with the highest mean intensity 2.5. The prevalence of Myxobolus sp. infection was highest 62% in August with the highest mean intensity 3. Histopathological changes such as loss of epidermis, dermis split and separated from muscle and hemorrhage were found in muscle layer. The present study represents the first report of Myxobolus infection in the muscle tissues of Cirrhinus mrigala in Myanmar. 2023
2194 U Saw Soe Moe Thu EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENTAL STAGES OF NOTOPTERUS NOTOPTERUS IN INDUCED BREEDING The present study was conducted to investigate the embryonic developmental stages of Notopterus notopterus in the induced breeding. The breeders of Notopterus notopterus were collected from the Hlawgar fish farm, Yangon Region in September 2020. The injected hormone was buserelin acetate (Suprefact) 10µg per 1kg for the first injection and the second injection was 30 µg per 1kg. The hormone was introduced two times of injection to the female but it was introduced single dose to the male. After 52 hours of injection, female laid eggs on the surfaces of the bricks. The present work showed that the fertilized eggs had yellowish color. The eggs were enveloped with many ridges around the micropyle. The cleavage of fertilized eggs was at 1 hour after laying of the eggs. The early morula (1cell, 2 cells, and 4 cells) stage lasted 2:54 hours and morula (16 cells and 32 cells) stage was found in 4:50 hours. Blastula stages of the dome formation, late blastula and multicellular layer occurred at 6:54, 8:10, and 10:01 hours respectively. The latest cell division of embryonic stage was found at 40:25 hours. The embryonic phase was completed at 50:21 hours. The results of the present work indicated the different phases of embryonic stages of Notopterus notopterus and the time periods of cell division of the eggs. 2023
2195 Min Zaw Latt SEASONAL OCCURRENCE OF AEDES AEGYPTI (LINNAEUS, 1762) LARVAE IN DIFFERENT WATER STORAGE CONTAINERS IN SIX AREAS OF HINTHADA DISTRICT, AYEYARWADY REGION The seasonal study was carried out in six areas of Hinthada District, Ayeyarwady Region, from 2018 to 2020 using descriptive field investigation method. All potential breeding sites were examined seasonally by different larval positive container types (major, minor and miscellaneous) from 50 households in each village of all study areas and the occurrence of Aedes aegypti larvae was investigated in accordance with different seasons. Seasonal variations of Ae. aegypti in key containers and key premises in all areas were compared. In different positive containers such as concrete jars, earthen pots and bamboo bowls were found to be the most positive and predominated ones for breeding sources throughout the survey period. The larval occurrences in positive containers were significantly different among six areas in accordance with different seasons. Seasonal prevalence of Ae. aegypti larvae in various containers was investigated and found to be higher in wet season than other seasons. Hence, this study revealed that wide-spread breeding of Ae. aegypti occurred in cleaned and uncovered containers, and untreated water. Information on reduction of breeding sites of Ae. Aegypti such as daily practices with covering, emptying out, changing and filtering of water containers, and awareness of vector-borne diseases namely Dengue and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DF and DHF endemicity) could be contributed to local community. 2023
2196 Thidar Aung Cytogenetic Analysis of Silver Carp, Hypophathalmichthys molitrix (Valenciennes in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1844) and Thai Silver Barb, Barbonymus gonionotus (Bleeker, 1850) Cytogenetic investigation on silver carp Hypophthalmichthys molitrix and silver barb Barbonymus gonionotus belonging to family Cyprinidae from Thatyetkone Fisheries Station, Mandalay Region, was carried out. The optimal effect of colchicine concentration was observed at 0.50 % for duration 5 hrs with 0.56 % hypotonic solution treatment of 1 hr 30 mins period in silver carp and colchicine concentration 0.50 % for 6 hrs with 1 hr duration of hypotonic treatment in silver barb. The diploid chromosome number of silver carp H. molitrix was 2n = 48 with karyotype formula 2 m (metacentric) + 4 sm (submetacentric) + 6 a (acrocentric) + 12 t (telocentric) and fundamental arm number 60. The chromosomal number of silver barb B. gonionotus was 2n = 50 with karyotype formula 1 m (metacentric) + 9 sm (submetacentric) + 2 a (acrocentric) + 12 t (telocentric) and fundamental arm number 68. 2023
2197 Thawdar Aung KARYOTYPE ANALYSIS OF DECCAN CARP, LABEO POTAIL (SYKES, 1839) AND STRIPED CATFISH, PANGASIANODON HYPOPHTHALMUS (SAUVAGE, 1878) The deccan carp Labeo potail and striped catfish Pangasianodon hypophthalmus were obtained from Arrthit Private Fish Farm, Patheingyi Township to investigate their chromosomal characteristics by blocking the metaphase stage of mitotic division during January to August 2022. The spreads of metaphase stages of chromosomes were observed in the colchicine concentration 0.50 % for duration 4 hrs 30 mins in L. potail and 5 hrs 30 mins in P. hypophthalmus with 0.56 % hypotonic solution for duration 1 hr. The various organs of fishes were used for chromosome preparation. Karyological analysis revealed that 2n = 56 having 1 m (metacentric) + 3 sm (submetacentric) + 4 a (acrocentric) + 20 t (telocentric) with fundamental arm number (64) in L. potail, and 2n = 60 having 1 m (metacentric) + 8 sm (submetacentric) + 4 a (acrocentric) + 17 t (telocentric) with fundamental arm number (78) in P. hypophthalmus. The best metaphase spreads of chromosomes were observed in kidney and gill filaments compared with the liver, blood cells and oral cells in both of the fish species. 2023
2198 Yee Yee Win RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TOXIC METAL CONCENTRATION AND SIZE OF FISH AND TRANSFER FACTOR OF AQUATIC ENVIRONS IN THANLWIN RIVER SEGMENT, MON STATE Seasonal variations of As, Pb and Cd concentrations in muscle tissues of Lates calcarifer, Otolithoides pama and Polynemus paradiseus captured from Thanlwin River segment of Mon state were investigated during November 2019 to October 2020. Metal concentrations in water and sediment samples of the study sites were also assessed. Metal concentrations in extracts were determined by using Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (FAAS) (Perkin Elmer AA Analyst 800 and Winlab – 32 software) at University Research Center (URC) in University of Yangon. Heavy metal concentrations in muscle tissues of all study fish species were below WHO standard limits. Concentration of As in water of the study site I in all seasons as well as those of the study site II also in all seasons were found higher than the WHO standard limits. As concentration in sediment of the study site I in all seasons as well as those of the study site II also in all seasons were found to be higher than the WHO standard limits. Concentration of Pb in water of the study site I in all seasons as well as those of the study site II also in all seasons were found higher than the WHO standard limits. No relationship between sizes of fish and heavy metal concentrations in L. calcarifer while negative relationship in O. pama and positive relation in P. paradiseus were found at the study site I. In the study site II, negative relationships between size of fish and As concentration in L. calcarifer, no relationships in O. pama and positive relationships between size of fish and As, Pb and Cd in P. paradiseus were observed. In the present study, transfer factor from water to muscle tissue of L. calcarifer was observed in As and Pb at the study site I and those transfer factor from sediment to muscle tissue of L. calcarifer was observed in Pb and Cd at the study site II. Transfer factor from water to muscle tissue of O. pama and P. paradiseus was observed in Cd at the study site II. However, heavy metal concentrations in muscle tissues of the study fish species were not higher than maximum permissible limits of WHO. Thus, mentioned fish species captured from the study area are generally safe for human consumption. 2023
2199 Nang Cherry Oo INFESTATION OF VARROA MITE (VARROA DESTRUCTOR) IN HONEY BEE (APIS MELLIFERA) COLONIES AT SINTKAING TOWNSHIP, KYAUKSE DISTRICT A total of 45 honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies with adult bees and broods were investigated from November 2021 to April 2022 at Sintkaing Township, Kyaukse District. Those colonies were divided into non-treatment (15) colonies and treatment (30) colonies. Among the total bee populations of 728000 bees, a total sample of 42000 bees was observed, and it was found to be infested with some 759 varroa mites. The total number of estimated infested bees was 13422 individuals, with 2002.5 individuals from non-treatment colonies and 11419.5 individuals from treatment colonies. The infestation rates of the year 2022 were found to be higher than those of the year 2021. The highest mortality rate was 53% in January 2022 in non-treatment bee colonies. In this study, the mortality rate of bees may be correlated with the infestation of varroa mites, as well as food and the use of insecticide on the plantation. 2023
2200 Kalayar Win Maung ALTERNATIVE PROTEIN SOURCE FOR AQUAFEED PRODUCTION FOR CATFISH, PANGASIUS HYPOTHALAMUS (SAUVAGE, 1878) Silkworm pupae, a waste of the silk industry, are produced in large quantities in Kayin State and Mandalay region of Myanmar and are often discarded to the surrounding environment or used as a fertilizer for plant growth. In the present study, silkworm pupae were used as an alternative animal protein to replace fishmeal used as experimental feed for catfish, Pangasius hypothalamus. The feeding trial had three treatments: (1) silkworm pellet (SWP) with 26% of crude protein; (2) commercial floating pellet (CFP) with 32% protein, and (3) commercial sinking pellet (CSP) with 28% protein. Silkworm pellet (SWP) was formulated and produced using a small extruder in the laboratory. Total 180 fingerlings of catfish divided into six groups were stocked in glass aquariums providing two replication tanks for each treatment. The fish were cultured for 3 months from October to December 2019 in the laboratory condition. Among the three different diets, the highest growth rate was observed in CFP with (3.9 %/ day) and the second highest growth rate was recorded in SWP with (3.7 %/ day). Feed Conversion Ratio (FCR) of SWP, CFP and CSP were 3.37, 2.8 and 4.05 respectively. The weight gains (WG) of CFP, SWP and CSP were 10.57, 9.36 and 8.43, respectively at the end of experiment. Only 3% of mortality was found in the tank treated with CFP. This study revealed that the silkworm had very high protein content (52%) and it could be considered as an alternative dietary supplement for catfish. 2023