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No. Researcher Title Abstract Year
2211 Ye Linn Maung BOTANICAL AND PHYTOCHEMICAL INVESTIGATION ON THE LEAVES OF THUNBERGIA LAURUFOLIA LINDL. Thunbergia laurifolia Lindl. is known as Nwe-nyo belong to the family Acanthaceae. The plant was collected from Hmawbi Township, Yangon Region, during the flowering and fruiting period from December to May, 2019-2020. In this research, morphological characters of leaves, inflorescence, flower, calyx, corolla, androecium and gynoecium are presented. The plant is perennial herbaceous climber; simple leaves, opposite and distichous; terminal inflorescence with racemose flowers are borne; bisexual, zygomorphic flower. In microscopical characters of leaves, the lamina epidermal cells of anticlinal walls were wavy, both surfaces; stomata were present on lower surface, in this type of diacytic (cross celled) stomata type; in the transverse section of lamina, two layers of palisade mesophyll cell and about 7-10 layers of spongy mesophyll cell were present. In midrib outline, both epidermal cells are barrael-shaped; adaxial side and abaxial side are convex. In petiole outline, both epidermal cells are rounded to barrel-shaped. In the diagnostic characters of leaves powdered samples were observed with sensory characters and microscopical characters. These characters of Nwe-nyo plant were identified by many literatures. Furthermore, the results of phytochemical analysis were various extracts of leaves showed the presence of alkaloid, Glycoside, Phenolic compound, flavonoid, steroid/terpenoid, tannin, saponin, ? amino acid, protein, reducing sugar, starch and carbohydrate. 2023
2212 Lwin Mar Saing SIGNIFICANT DIFFERENCES MORPHOLOGICAL CHARACTERS OF POACEAE AND CYPERACEAE FAMILIES The grass family Poaceae and Sedges family Cyperaceae are belonging to order Poales. (APG IV, 2016) and very similar in features. But these two families are so differing from each other by individual morphological characters. Grass belongs to family Poaceae (Gramineae) and the largest family in monocotyledonous gramineous flowering plants. The name of family Poaceae is derived from types genus Poa L. Family Cyperaceae is the third largest family of monocotyledonous gramineous flowering plants and type genus is Cyperus. Grass taxonomy is very different and difficult from other flowering plants. Grass floret is spikelet and individual spikelet possess each substances bract (glumes, lodicule) and various modified inflorescences types and underground organs. These reproductive and vegetative morphological characters of Poaceae is more advance evolution trends features than Cyperaceae. This feature agreed in evolutionary trends of morphological characters and APG IV 2016 system. Family Cyperaceae is one spiculose flower and these organized into spikelet (glumes, perianth). Spikelet further arranged into higher order spicate, paniculate or umbellate inflorescence (anthela). Flowers of both families may be perfect or imperfect, usually monoecious. In this research highlights the quite different characters of very similar morphological unit features of grass and sedges and then verify primitive and advance comparison characters between Poaceae and Cyperaceae with systematics science record in region, Myanmar. 2023
2213 Su May Naung MEIOTIC CHARACTERS OF ZEA MAYS L. CV. PAUK PAUK PYAUNG NI AND PHU SAR PYAUNG IN SHAN STATE The two cultivars of Zea mays L., Pauk pauk pyaung ni and Phu sar pyaung were studied to determine the morphology and meiotic characters. This research was done in Department of Biology, Kyaing Tong Education Degree College, Shan State during June to December 2020. In morphology, the silk and kernel color of the two Z. mays L. cultivars were significantly different. The meiotic chromosomes behavior of all studied Z. mays L. cultivars were observed 2n = 20, in the diakinesis stage. The lowest univalent, trivalent and quadrivalent (ring, chain and total) chromosomes were observed in Z. mays L. cv. Pauk pauk pyaung ni. The maximum mean value of ring and total bivalent chromosomes were also found in Z. mays L. cv. Pauk pauk pyaung ni. The chiasmata frequency and normal pollens of cv. Pauk pauk pyaung ni was also significantly superior than the Z. mays L. cv. Phu sar pyaung. The chromosome configuration of the Z. mays L. cv. Pauk pauk pyaung ni was 0.05 I + 1.35 oII + 8.38 cII + 0.15 III + 0.03 oIV + 0.03 cIV and 0.38 I + 2.15 oII + 7.18 cII + 0.23 III + 0.03 oIV + 0.03 cIV in cv. Phu sar pyaung. In Z. mays L. cv. Pauk pauk pyaung ni was found the low laggard and bridge chromosomes in anaphase I and telophase I. Therefore, the Z. mays L. cultivar Pauk pauk pyaung ni should be selected for inbreed experiment for future researches. 2023
2214 Nwe Nwe SCREENING OF PHYTOCHEMICAL AND ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF BORASSUS FLABELLIFER L. ROOTS (PALMYRA PALM) Borassus flabellifer Linn. is one of the medicinally important plants in family Arecaceae. The study was under taken to investigate the phytochemical and antimicrobial activities of Borassus flabellifer L. root. The phytochemical analysis of alkaloids, ?-amino acid, carbohydrate, glycosides, phenolic compounds, polyphenol, reducing sugars, saponins, starch, terpenoids, tannins, and steroids were present. Antimicrobial activity was analyzed by agar well diffusion method against six strains of microorganism, namely Escherichia coli, Saccharomyces cerevisia, Pseudomonous fluorescens, Bacillus pumilus, Bacillus subtilis, and Candida albicans. Methanol extract of root (12.95-14.68 mm) were active against all test strains. Ethanol and watery extracts (13.23-15.64 mm) against four test strains. Petroleum ether extract did not show antimicrobial activity. Among the various crude extracts, the ethyl acetate extract showed the maximum zone of inhibition was exhibited in C. albicans (22.26 mm) compared to tested microorganisms. Therefore, the ethyl acetate extract of the palm root has showed consistently significant inhibitory activity on different tested organisms. 2023
2215 Ei Pyae Myo Win ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF ENDOPHYTIC FUNGI FROM FLOWER OF CATHARANTHUS ROSEUS (L.) G. DON In this research, various kinds of fungi were screened from flowers of Catharanthu sroseus (L.) G. Don. The plant specimen of C. roseus was collected from Hlaing Township, Yangon Region, near the Oakkyin bus-stop, on the Insein Road. The direct inoculation method was used to isolate different strains of fungi on Potato Glucose Agar medium. Five strains of fungi were found out in this experiment. These strains of fungi were designated as F1, F2, F3, F4 and F5. The morphological and microscopically characters, colony appearances, hyphae, spore shape, appearance of conidiophores, characteristics of spore head, starch hydrolysis test and urease test were carried out at Microbiology Laboratory, Department of Botany, University of Yangon. Isolated fungi F2 from flower of Catharanthus roseus was assumed to be the genus Mucor sp. and F3 was also to be the genus Aspergillus sp. based on their morphological and microscopic characters. Starch hydrolysis and urease tests were also investigated F2, F3 and F5 are positive result of starch hydrolysis. Except F2, all strains were possessed urease activity. All of fungal isolates were cultured on six different agar such as Czapek dox agar (CZA), Potato dextrose agar (PDA), Potato sucrose agar (PSA), Sucrose yeast agar (SY), Yeast malt extract agar (YMA), and Sabouraud’s dextrose agar (SDA) respectively and their reverse color and observed color were recorded. These isolated fungal strains did not grow well on Sabouraud agar medium. Among them potato sucrose medium is the best for growth of these isolates. These media were applied as fermented broth for antimicrobial activities. The antimicrobial activity of fermented broths from all isolated strains were examined on ten test organisms by paper disc diffusion method and fermentation were carried out for 1 day to 10 days. The fermented broths of all isolated strains F1 to F5 selectively showed good antimicrobial activity from 4 to 6 days on eight tests organisms. Secondary metabolite of activity strains were extracted with ethyl acetate (1:1Vol/Vol) and their antimicrobial activity was also investigated on ten tests organism. The crude of five strains showed excellent antimicrobial activity on eight test organisms. 2023
2216 Win Win Nwe GONAD DEVELOPMENT AND CONDITION INDEX OF GREEN MUSSEL, PERNA VIRIDIS (LINNAEUS, 1758) FROM YE ESTUARY, MON STATE The study on the gonad development and condition index of green mussel, Perna viridis from Ye Estuary was conducted from January to December 2017. Sample collection was made by the help of local mussel collector during low tide. Ripe gonads were in good numbers from January and March and peak spawning ones were observed from April to July.The occurrence of spawning and partially spent specimens of both sexes recorded from April to October indicated that spawning took place during a prolonged period. P. viridis exhibited year-round gametogenesis and monsoon spawning. Surface water temperature at Ye estuary varied between 27.60°C in August and 32.00°C in March. CIshwt and CIcommercial values were high in June and low in July and December. High CI values in June may be due to ripe gonad states and food available from the river runoff. The low CI value in July coincides with the peak spawning stages of male and female mussels. The study indicated that there is obvious seasonal variation in the mussel condition and gonad maturation. 2023
2217 Win Htet San MARINE BENTHIC ALGAE OF SITTWE COASTAL AREAS, RAKHINE STATE A total of 19 species of marine benthic algae belonging to 13 families of 11 orders collected from the Sittwe Coastal Areas (lat. 20º 09´ N, Long. 92º 54´ E), Rakhine Coastal Region from December 2021 to August 2022 were identified. The identification of species was carried out based on the external and internal morphologies, herbarium, and living plants in the field. In the present study, 10 species, 9 genera of Rhodophyta, 5 species, 2 genera of Chlorophyta and 4 species, 4 genera of Phaeophyta had been identified. Among these algae, Bangia atropurpurea, Catenella impudica, Polysiphonia subtilissima, Ulva flexuosa, Ulva clathrata and Colpomenia sinuosa were newly recorded for Sittwe Coastal Areas. Compsonema serpens and Chondracanthus intermedius were first recorded for Myanmar. The descriptive key emphasized to the species of these algae was provided. A brief note on the potential uses of each alga was described. Some ecological notes of these species were briefly described. 2023
2218 Aung Aung Htaik SPECIES COMPOSITION AND ABUNDANCE OF AMPHIPODS FROM SEAWEEDS AND SEAGRASSES OF THE SOUTHERN RAKHINE COAST A total of 25 species of amphipod were recorded from the southern Rakhine Coast. Elasmopus palu, E. pectenicrus, Hyale crassicornis and H. galateae distorta were by far the most numerous and widespread species at all stations. The composition of amphipod fauna was higher in seaweed habitats than the others. Maera quadrimana and M. serrata were recorded only on Halimeda opuntia and Gracilaria canaliculata. Melita zeylanica showed the common occurrence on all habitats. Parelasmopus suensis was recorded only on Gracilaria canaliculata. The highest abundance of amphipod at all stations was observed from November to March and the lowest from June to September. The abundance and species composition of amphipod were related to the algal blooming periods. 2023
2219 Khin Khin Gyi FINE-SCALE SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL HETEROGENEITY OF PHYTOPLANKTON IN THE INNER TOKYO BAY, JAPAN The spatial and temporal variations of phytoplankton were governed by the physicochemical properties of the water column such as water stratification, vertical mixing, temperature and salinity gradients, and nutrient supply. In this study, the salinity gradient was pronounced in the upper layer, and a strong stratification developed in the water column which in turn influenced large variability in the vertical distributions and cell concentrations of phytoplankton. In terms of cell concentration, nine species such as Lauderia annulata, Skeletonema sp., Thalassiosira spp., Chaetoceros sp., Thalassionema frauenfeldii, T. nitzschioides, Pseudo-nitzschia sp., and Heterosigma akashiwo dominated the phytoplankton community, and the percentage of their abundance comprised 89.5% of the total phytoplankton concentration. Among these species, the cells of Pseudo-nitzschia sp. and H. akashiwo increased at night, approximately 4 to 8 times higher than in the daytime, due to the changes in the water mass. At the most depth range, all species had higher cell concentrations in the upper layers above the pycnocline where Chl-a showed the maximum. However, a significant decrease in cell concentration was noted below the pycnocline where the hypoxic water mass was observed. 2023
2220 Myo Min Tun LENGTH FREQUENCY DISTRIBUTION, LENGTH-WEIGHT RELATIONSHIPS AND THE CONDITION FACTOR OF THE SPADENOSE SHARK SCOLIODON LATICAUDUS MULLER & HENLE, 1838 IN MON COASTAL WATER Population parameters of the spadenose shark Scoliodon laticaudus were estimated for a total of 180 specimens in each station from the fish landing sites were also studied periods. The estimated length-weight relationship of S. laticaudus showed a negative allometric growth pattern (b<3) in Zeephyuthaung and Setse and an isometric growth pattern (b=3) in Kyaikkhami. According to length frequency distribution, the juveniles of shark were observed throughout the study period and (10-12 cm) size group was recruited to the fishery from October to December in Setse. The value of K was the highest in February at Setse. 2023