Academic theses and dissertations are regularly published and widely disseminated in YUOE Journal, Monographs, Universities Research Journal (URJ), Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science (MAAS) Journal, AsTEN Research Journal and International online Journals for sharing knowledge and contributing to the development of our education.

No. Researcher Title Abstract Year
2241 Min Han Nyein CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF GROUNDWATER FOR DOMESTIC USES AND IRRIGATION WATER IN BAGO TOWNSHIP, BAGO REGION The research area, Bago is situated on the Eastern Part of the Bago Yoma. The topography of the research area is slight moderate plain and its gently slope towards the east. This area is about 228.712 square kilometer. The sources of water supply are water from tube well and reservoir. The main aquifer in western part is Irrawaddy Formation and in the eastern part it is Alluvial Aquifer. The yield of Irrawaddy is 500 to 2000 gallons per hour. pH falls between 6.5 to 7.7. TDS falls in 50-340 ppm. Total salinity is low and electrical conductivity (E.C) is always not more than 530 ? mho/cm. Iron content is rising up to 3 ppm. The results analyzed by KURLOV’S METHOD, SSP% method, SAR method MAR method, RSBC method, TDS and PIPER method can be classified the water types, drinking water, domestic use and Irrigation water. According to the above these methods and WHO Drinking Water Standard, the groundwater of the research area is suitable for the drinking water, domestic uses and Irrigation water. 2024
2242 Mya Moe Khaing A STUDY ON PETROCHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF GRANITIC INTRUSION AT ME’NETAUNG AREA, HOPONG TOWNSHIP, SOUTHERN SHAN STATE The research area lies between latitude 20° 34? 00?? to 20° 45? 00?? north and longitude 97° 15? 00?? to 97° 22? 30?? east, which is situated about 21 km, southeast of Hopong township, Southern Shan State. The intrusive igneous rocks are granites and muscovite-biotite granites. The granitic rocks show chemical composition (weight percent) of SiO2 (70.35-74.20), Al2O3 (13.69-16.59), TiO2 (0.21-0.39), Na2O+K2O (7.85-9.31), Fe2O3+MgO (1.72-3.74), MnO (0.03-0.05), CaO (0.560.80) and P2O5 (0.20-0.30). Petrochemically, P (K-(Na+Ca)) - Q (Si/3-(K+Na+2Ca/3)), R1-R2, normative (Ab - Or - An) and TAS diagrams indicate that the granitic rocks from the research area belong to the granite field. In the molar Na2O-Al2O3-K2O and B-A plot diagrams show that granites and muscovite-biotite granites are predominantly peraluminous. AFM diagram indicates that the granitic rocks belong to the calc alkaline series. From the result of K2O Vs Na2O diagram, granites and muscovite-biotite granites of the research area involve S-type. Normative data plot of Quartz-Albite-Orthoclase diagram shows that the granitic rocks lie within 2kb and 10 kb during crystallization. According to ternary plot of Quartz-Anorthite Orthoclase diagram exhibits that the majority of all granitic rock samples were formed between 0.5kb and 5kb. It can be interpreted that the granitic rocks were consolidated under the low pressure condition. Due to the relationship between differentiation index and temperature, the liquidus temperatures are 720?C for granites and muscovite-biotite granites. From the schematic depth-temperature diagram, it is indicated that the granitic rocks from the research area crystallized at the depth of 26 km. The granitoid rocks of the research area are Orogenic granitoids. Therefore, the granitic rocks were formed on the continent relation to the subduction of an oceanic plate beneath the continent. R1-R2 binary (millication) diagram indicates the granitic rocks of the research area correspond to syn-collision zone. 2024
2243 Tin Myint Oo ESTIMATION OF REMAINING OIL RESERVES ON 2700 FT SAND (PYAWBWE FORMATION) CD FAULT BLOCK, MANN OIL FIELD Reserves estimation is heavily affected by technical uncertainty. The underground oil reserves estimation methods can be grouped in three groups. There are Analogy Method, Volumetric Method and Performance Method. Performance Method includes Material Balance Method, Decline Curve Analysis and Reservoir Simulation. In early stages of development, reserves estimates are restricted to the Analogy and Volumetric calculation. As production and pressure from a field become available, Decline Curves Analysis and Material Balance calculation, become predominant methods of calculating reserves. These methods greatly reduce the uncertainty in reserve estimates; however, during early depletion, caution should be exercised in using them. Decline Curves relationships are empirical, and rely on uniform, lengthy production periods. It is more suited to oil wells, which are usually produced against fixed bottom-hole pressure. Analysis on these methods, however provide quality assurance, for estimating hydrocarbon reserves. Different estimation methods may yield significantly different results, and reconciliation of the differences may be difficult. If there are wide differences, application of two or more methods may reveal the need for future investigation. Comparison of the reserves estimates with actual results on a post mortem basis will provide valuable learning point. The comparison must include quantitative assessment of basis and accuracy of estimate. 2024
2244 Khaing Zin Phyu DIAGENESIS AND RESERVOIR QUALITY OF PONDAUNG FORMATION IN THE KYAUKKWET-LETPANTO OIL FIELD The study area is located in the Pauk and Myaing Townships, Pakokku District, Magway Region. The main objective of the present study is to characterize reservoir quality of Pondaung Formation in terms of diagenesis process by SEM and petrography analysis. The two oil and gas fields namely Letpanto and Kyaukkwet, the study area is situated on the northern part of the Salin basin which is a fore-arc sub-basin of the Central Myanmar Tertiary Basin. The stratigraphy of the area includes the formations from oldest to youngest: Pondaung, Yaw, Shwezetaw, Padaung, Kyaukkok and Irrawaddian formations. In diagenetic processes of the Pondaung Formation can be grouped into early diagenesis and late diagenesis. Petrographic and SEM examinations of the studied sandstones revealed both primary and secondary porosities. 2024
2245 Khin Myat Noe Wai DETERMINANTS OF CONTRACEPTIVE USE AMONG CURRENTLY MARRIED WOMEN IN MYANMAR* This study attempts to investigate the factors affecting contraceptive use of currently married women aged 15-49 years in Myanmar. Data on contraceptive use were obtained from 2015-2016 Myanmar Demographic and Health Survey (MDHS). In this study, descriptive statistics, Pearson’s Chi-square test and multinomial logistic regression analysis were used to explore the relationship between contraceptive use and demographic and socio-economic factors. According to the results of descriptive statistics, about 1% of women used traditional method whereas 50% of women used modern methods. The results of Chi-square test show that there exists association between contraceptive use and demographic and socio-economic characteristics. From the results of Multinomial logistic regression, demographic factors such as age of woman, place of residence viz, states/regions, number of living children, currently breastfeeding and currently residing with husband have statistically significant effects on the use of contraceptive methods. Socio-economic factors such as woman’s educational level, husband’s educational level, media exposure, wealth index etc. have statistically significant effects on contraceptive use. This study provides the background characteristics of currently married women who were reported to have been using the contraceptive methods and its determinants and the results of this study can provide the useful information for the government of Myanmar to set up the contraceptive plans and services. 2024
2246 Myint Myint Kyi EFFECT OF PERSONALITY TRAITS ON PREFERENCE ON ONLINE LEARNING AT YANGON UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS* This paper intends to analyze the influence of personality traits on preference regarding online learning, and the effect of preference on online learning on learning effectiveness of online MBA (Master of Business Administration) students who are attending at Yangon University of Economics in 2020. Out of 85 students, 43 are randomly selected. To collect data from them, questionnaire method is applied by sending structured questionnaires to them via e-mail. Data are being analyzed by both descriptive and multiple linear regression analyses. From analyses, it is found that students’ success is largely depending on their preference on self-evaluation and their behavior of effective help seeking from instructors and other students. To seek help, they need to have high agreeableness and openness. For effective self-evaluation, they should be extraverts with high openness. Thus, online students should not be isolated. They should be friendly and emphasize on keeping in touch with university teachers and also with other students. 2024
2247 Than Thu Zar VIRTUAL LEADERSHIP, WORK ENGAGEMENT AND EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE OF TELECOMMUNICATION INDUSTRY IN YANGON DURING COVID-19 CRISIS This study aims to examine the virtual leadership, work engagement and employee performance of telecommunication industry in Yangon due to Covid-19 crisis. It uses both primary data and secondary data. There are about 3,000 employees working in Yangon telecommunication industry. A simple of 314 employees are selected as respondents by using simple random sampling method. Primary data are collected from these respondents with structured questionnaire. Secondary data are gathered from government documents, internet websites, relevant research papers and text books. Descriptive statistics and regression analysis are used to analyze the collected data. According to regression results, communication, trust and coordination have positive effect on work engagement; more over work engagement has also positive effect on employee performance. To strengthen work engagement, virtual leadership should focus more on building effective communication, creating an environment with trust in a systematic and correct way, and working in coordination. 2024
2248 Khin Maung Oo ANALYTICAL STUDY ON SYSTEM AND PRACTICE OF LEGISLATION IN SOME COUNTRIES* Legislation is the most important function of the sovereignty, which is divided into legislative, executive and judicial powers. It is very important and essential for every country to make rule of law, development, stability, peace and tranquility of the country. Legislation is made by the legislature which may be formed according to the Constitution of the state. Some parliaments are two houses, bicameral legislatures and some are single house, unicameral legislatures. The outcomes of good laws are important, but more importantly the enforcement and implementation of these laws are able to reach its goal and purpose. Therefore, pre-legislative scrutiny and post-legislative scrutiny are also important. Moreover, the type of government is also important in the legislative process. The legislatures and legislative processes of the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Japan and Myanmar are comparatively analyzed in this paper. 2024
2249 Thiri Sandar LEGAL PROTECTION OF SHWEBO THANAKHA IN MYANMAR Intellectual Property refers to creations of human mind and it comprises two main branches: copyright and industrial property. Industrial property includes patents, industrial designs, trademarks, service marks, collective marks, commercial name and geographical indications. Geographical indications shall be the indication that identifies certain goods as goods originating from the territory of specific country, region or a locality with such territory, where specific quality, reputation or other characteristics of the goods can be essentially attributed to their geographical origin. Legal Protection of Geographical indications (GI) enables those who have the right to use the indication to take measures against other who use it without permission and benefit from its reputation. Geographical indications of protection treaties are the Paris Convention for the Protection of Intellectual Property, 1883, the Convention Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), 1995 and the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPs), 1994, Madrid Agreement, 1891, and Lisbon Agreement (1958). Thanakha would be incomplete to leave out Shwebo whose indigenous Thanakha is said to be the best known for its superior quality. According to “Myanmar Thanakha” by U Tha Hla, Thanakha from Theinkataw region about two miles downstream of Sihataw pagoda on the western bank of Ayeyawady River in Khin U Township, Shwebo District was offered to the court on a regular basis during the region of King U Aung Zeya, the founder of the third Myanmar Kingdom and the court recognized it as the best Thanakha suited for the court to use. However, Theinkataw Thanakha is now on the verge of extinction. Therefore, Geographical indications should be enacted as a separate law. Myanmar should get Geographical Indication right in Shwebo Thanakha as a local product of Shwebo Township in accordance with the Conventions and Myanmar Domestic Laws. 2024
2250 Phyu Phyu Thinn SIGNIFICANCE OF MONASTIC EDUCATION IN BASIC EDUCATION SECTOR The research study focuses on how monastic education in Myanmar provides basic education to marginalized children who cannot afford to attend public government schools and how these schools work in cooperation with the government. The study has been carried out using a case study approach to make a contextual analysis of the recognition and collaboration between primary stakeholders concerning monastic schools of Myanmar. This study proposes to identify key elements that impacts the complete and fully provision of basic education in monastic schools. It finds out that there are many academic and contextual factors influencing the sustainability of monastic schools. The study recommends that improved cooperation between the principal institutions_ Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture (MoRAC) and Ministry of Education (MoE) _ should be strengthened in many ways to provide overall quality basic education that can be accessible by every child under monastic education system. 2024