Academic theses and dissertations are regularly published and widely disseminated in YUOE Journal, Monographs, Universities Research Journal (URJ), Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science (MAAS) Journal, AsTEN Research Journal and International online Journals for sharing knowledge and contributing to the development of our education.

No. Researcher Title Abstract Year
2261 Khine Myat Thu CAREER-RELATED PARENT SUPPORT AND VOCATIONAL IDENTITY OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS The main purpose of this study was to investigate career-related parent support and vocational identity of high school students. Furthermore, this study aimed to investigate the differences in career-related parent support and vocational identity of high school students by gender, age, schools, districts and socioeconomic status. The population of this study consisted of Grade Ten and Grade Eleven students in Yangon Region. The sample of this study included 615 high school students from seven high schools in Yangon Region. Career-Related Parent Support Scale Questionnaires (CRPSS) developed by Turner et al. (2003) and Vocational Identity Scale Questionnaires (VIS) developed by Holland et al. (1980) were used to measure career-related parent support and vocational identity. In this study, there was no significant difference in overall scale as well as four subscales of high school students’ career-related parent support by gender, age and socioeconomic status (SES). Regarding schools and districts, significant difference was found to be overall scale as well as four-subscales of high school students’ career-related parent support. And then, there was no significant difference in vocational identity of high school students by gender and age. Regarding schools, districts and SES, significant difference was found to be in high school students’ vocational identity. Finally, the correlation result showed that career-related parent support and vocational identity were positively correlated. The findings of this study will be hopefully applicable to counselors, parents and educators to assist the children in career counseling and parental education. 2024
2262 Thet Hmue Pyae Sone A STUDY ON PSYCHOLOGICAL RESILIENCE AND PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING OF TEACHERS IN SALIN TOWNSHIP The primary purpose of this study was to study psychological resilience and psychological well being of teachers in Salin Township. The research design for this study was quantitative research design and survey method. To investigate this purpose, 406 teachers (SAT=131, JAT=155, PAT=120) who were randomly chosen from selected schools in Salin Township, Magway Region as the participants of the study. The two questionnaires; Psychological Resilience Scale (PRS) (Bartone, Ursano, Wright, & Ingraham, 1989; Natnael Terefe, 2015) and Ryff’s Psychological Well-Being Scale (PWB),42 Item version (Ryff,1989) were used to collect data. The result of t test showed that there was no significant difference in teachers’ psychological resilience and psychological well-being by gender. The results of ANOVA revealed that there were significant differences in teachers’ psychological resilience and psychological well-being by position, teaching experience and school location. The Pearson Product-Moment Correlation result revealed that a positively significant relationship (r=.657) was found between psychological resilience and psychological well-being. This study was related to some extent to many programmes for transforming education. The results of this study was suggested that administrators, counsellors and teachers should be interested in developing programmes for improving psychological resilience, promoting psychological well-being and reducing problems concerning workplace. 2024
2263 Nann Phyu Phyu Nyein TEACHERS’ LIFELONG LEARNING COMPETENCIES AND FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT PRACTICES The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of lifelong learning competencies on formative assessment practices among teachers. The quantitative research design and descriptive survey method were used in this study. A total of 434 teachers from Yangon, Tanintharyi and Magway Regions participated in this study. The participants were selected by using random sampling technique. As the research instruments, teachers’ lifelong learning competencies (LLLCs) questionnaire (Hursen, 2011) and teachers’ formative assessment practices (FAP) questionnaire (DeVellis, 2012) were used. According to the result of descriptive statistics, it can be said that teachers’ lifelong learning competencies and teachers’ formative assessment practices in this study were satisfactory. Next, the results of ANOVA revealed that there were significant differences in teachers’ lifelong learning competencies by educational qualification but not found in teaching experience, age and designation. Furthermore, there were also significant differences in teachers’ formative assessment practices (FAP) by teaching experience, age, but not found in education qualification and designation. According to multiple regression analyses, approximately 60% of the variance in formative assessment practices can be explained by lifelong learning competencies. Therefore, the findings of this study will be benefitted for teachers, teacher educators, principals, policymakers and administrators to have a deeper understanding of the effect of teachers’ lifelong learning competencies on formative assessment practices while considering how to improve productivity and education systems. 2024
2264 Wah Wah Win Htet THE EFFECT OF SOCIAL NETWORKING SITES ON SOCIAL SELF-EFFICACY The main purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of social networking sites on social self-efficacy among teachers. The questionnaire survey method and quantitative approach were applied in this study. A total of 458 teachers from Yangon, Tanintharyi and Magway participated in this study. The required sample was selected using a random sampling technique. As the research instruments, Facebook Group Uses and Gratification (Park et al., 2009) and Perceived Social Self-efficacy (PSSE; Smith & Betz, 2000) were adopted to examine social networking sites (SNS) and social self-efficacy. In general, the results of the descriptive analysis revealed that social networking sites and social self- efficacy in this study were satisfactory because the mean percentage of social networking sites and social self efficacy were 75.94% and 61% respectively. The results of ANOVA revealed that there were significant differences in teachers’ social networking sites by age but not found for job position and region. There were also significant differences in social self-efficacy by region and time spent using SNS per day but not found for age and job position. Moreover, according to Pearson’s correlation, there was significantly correlated between social networking sites and social self-efficacy among teachers (r (456) = 0.449, p < 0.01). Regression analysis revealed that approximately 22% of the variance in social self-efficacy can be explained by social networking sites. The findings of this study will be benefitted for teachers, teacher educators, principals, policymakers, and administrators to have a deeper understanding of the effect of social networking sites on social self-efficacy while considering how to improve productivity and education systems. 2024
2265 Yin Yin Aye EXPLORING TEACHERS’ EMOTION IN TEACHING AND THEIR APPROACHES TO TEACHING Teachers’ approaches in teaching enormously influence the success of students. Like that both positive and negative emotions play an important role in teachers’ construction of pedagogical content knowledge, curriculum planning and relationships with children and colleagues. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationship between teachers’ emotion in teaching and their approaches to teaching. In this study, 480 teachers (160 primary assistance teachers, 160 junior assistance teachers and 160 senior assistance teachers) participated. By using random sampling technique, the sample was chosen from ten Basic Education High School located in Yangon Region and Bago Region. The instruments were (1) Emotion in Teaching Inventory (ETI) with two subscales; positive emotion and negative emotion (? = 0.82) and (2) Approaches to Teaching Inventory (ATI-R) with two subscales; conceptual change/ student-focused (CCSF) and information transmission/ teacher-focused (ITTF) (? = 0.76). The data were analysed using mean score, independent sample t-test, one-way analysis of variance, and Pearson product-moment correlation. The results of the study indicated that most of the teachers tend to adopt teacher focused approach than student-focused. JAT teachers widely use student-focused approach than PAT and SAT. The more training courses they have, the more student-focused approach they apply. Based on the result, it was found that SAT teachers feel more anxious and frustrated (negative emotion). According to the Pearson product-moment correlation result, there is intercorrelation between teachers’ emotion and their teaching approaches. Thus, it can be said that teachers with positive emotions can be adopted more student-focused approach in their teaching. 2024
2266 Thu Thu Zon A STUDY OF SENIOR ASSISTANT TEACHERS’ PERCEPTIONS IN THE INSTRUCTIONAL USES OF TESTS The main purpose of this study is to investigate the perceptions of the senior assistant teachers in the instructional uses of tests. This research is based on six categories: student evaluation/ grades, student motivation, instructional planning, time usage, student self-concept/ test anxiety and teacher self-concept. Quantitative research design and descriptive survey method were used in this study. A total of 200 senior assistant teachers from seven schools of Yangon Region, 100 senior assistant teachers from four schools of Bago Region and 100 senior assistant teachers from seven schools of Ayeyarwaddy Region. All participants completed the Educational Testing in Schools Survey (ETSS) (Delwyn & Deborach, 1991) and Mentor Teacher Survey (MTS) (Franklin & Jennifer, 2007) Questionnaire and demographic information. The realiability of questionnaire was shown to be satisfactory by the use of Cronbach alpha (? – 0.70). Based on the results of descriptive analyses, it can be said that the sample senior assistant teachers in this study were high in perceptions in the instructional uses of test (X ?= 134.08, Standard Deviation = 12.75). 2024
2267 Yinn Mar Saw AN INVESTIGATION INTO RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SELF CONCEPT AND SCIENCE ACHIEVEMENT OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS The primary purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between self-concept and science achievement of high school students. Then, to investigate whether there would be significant differences between gender, school and district on Grade 10 students’ self-concept and science achievement were next interest. Descriptive survey research method and quantitative data analysis were used in this study. As a research instruments, Self-Concept Inventory (SCI) developed by Fleming (2007) was applied. Self-Concept Inventory (SCI) consisted of eight subscales with 61 items of 5-point Likert scale. The internal consistency coefficient (Cronbach’s Alpha) of self-concept was 0.882. The data used to represent the science achievement of participants were the results of Grade 10 students’ first semester test scores including three science subjects (Physics, Chemistry and Biology). This test was held in October, 2015. A total of 820 Grade 10 students from four Government Schools and eight Private Schools in four districts of Yangon Region participated in this study. The data collection was completed in the second week of January, 2016. In the analysis of data, descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, Post Hoc test and one-way ANOVA were used in this study. The result of this study revealed that significant differences in science achievement were found with respect to gender, school and district. The finding revealed that there was positive relationship between students’ self-concept and science achievement. It could be concluded that the higher the students’ self-concept, the higher his or her science achievement. This result generally supported the “reciprocal effect” model concerning the relation between self-concept and science achievement. Students’ self-concept was the best predictor for their science achievement. 2024
2268 Myat Su Hlaing A VALIDATION STUDY OF THE SOCIAL CONNECTEDNESS QUESTIONNAIRE This study aims to validate a questionnaire measuring the social connectedness of student teachers. In order to study social connectedness, the items were adapted from the questionnaires which are concerning with the social connectedness. Based on the instruments, Social Connectedness Questionnaire (SCQ), a four-point Likert type self-report questionnaire, is proposed and is investigated to show its validity in a random sample of 520 student teachers. Exploratory factor analysis showed a three-factor structure of the social connectedness composed of (1) sense of belonging, (2) social support, and (3) socialization. Confirmatory factor analysis further confirmed the validity and reliability of social connectedness as a three-factor construct. This Social Connectedness Questionnaire (SCQ) can serve as a tool to evaluate the social connectedness of student teachers. 2024
2269 Zu Zu Tun Maw AN ANALYSIS ON THE ENGAGEMENT OF STUDENT TEACHERS FROM EDUCATION DEGREE COLLEGES The main purpose of the study was to investigate the engagement of student teachers form Education Degree Colleges. The differences of the student engagement across their socio demographic variables were also examined. Quantitative study and descriptive survey method was conducted. A total of 800 student teachers from 17 Education Degree Colleges were selected by random sampling method. Student Engagement Scale (Lam et al., 2014) with 5-point Likert scale was utilized. Confirmatory factor analysis was conducted to examine the factor validation of the student engagement scale. Descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test and analysis of variance were used to explore the objectives of the study. The student teachers had high ability in engaging in academic works and cocurricular activities. The participants had greater affective and behavioral engagement than the cognitive engagement. Female student teachers actively participated in classroom and class-out activities than male student teachers. And, the younger student teachers were more enjoyable in involving educational activities. First year student teachers were more engaged than the second-year student teachers. 2024
2270 Wah Wah Aye THE EFFECT OF PROFESSIONAL IDENTITY ON WORK MOTIVATION OF TEACHER EDUCATORS This study aimed at investigating the relationship between professional identity and work motivation of teacher educators. A total of 402 teacher educators from ten teacher education institutions participated in the quantitative study. The instruments used in this study were Teacher Professional Identity Scale (TPIS) to examine teacher professional identity and Basic Psychological Needs at Work Scale (BPNWS) to assess work motivation of teacher educators. Regarding teacher professional identity, the result of independent samples t-test revealed that there was no gender difference in teacher professional identity of teacher educators. ANOVA results indicated that there were significant differences in values subscale, perception subscale and the overall scale of teacher professional identity by age. Moreover, ANOVA results indicated that there were significant differences in values subscale, commitment subscale, perception subscale and the overall scale of teacher professional identity by designation. Regarding work motivation, the results indicated that there was no significant gender difference in work motivation of teacher educators. ANOVA results indicated that there were significant differences in autonomy subscale, relatedness subscale and the overall scale of work motivation of teacher educators by age. Furthermore, ANOVA results indicated that there were significant differences in autonomy subscale, relatedness subscale, competence subscale and the overall scale of work motivation of teacher educators by designation. Finally, the results indicated that there was a positive correlation between teacher professional identity and work motivation of teacher educators. 2024