Academic theses and dissertations are regularly published and widely disseminated in YUOE Journal, Monographs, Universities Research Journal (URJ), Myanmar Academy of Arts and Science (MAAS) Journal, AsTEN Research Journal and International online Journals for sharing knowledge and contributing to the development of our education.

No. Researcher Title Abstract Year
2271 Su Thinzar Phyo COGNITIVE STYLES AND ACADEMIC BEHAVIORAL CONFIDENCE OF STUDENT TEACHERS Understanding a person’s cognitive style preference can provide to be aware of himself and his abilities. This awareness has positive effect to feel more confident in learning and performing tasks. The purpose of this study was to investigate cognitive styles and academic behavioral confidence of student teachers. A total of 846 student teachers from ten Education Degree Colleges participated in this study. Cognitive Style Inventory (Martin, 1982) and Academic Behavioral Confidence Scale (Sander & Sanders, 2003) were used in this study. Chi-square analysis indicated that there was a significant association of cognitive styles in gender and Education Degree Colleges. The independent samples t-test results indicated that female student teachers were significantly higher than male student teachers in academic behavioral confidence. ANOVA results showed that academic behavioral confidence was significantly different by Education Degree Colleges. The result indicated that there were significant differences of academic behavioral confidence by cognitive styles. Student teachers with integrated style and systematic style were higher in academic behavioral confidence than those with split style, undifferentiated style and intuitive style. 2024
2272 Wah Wah Sann AN ANALYSIS OF OPTIMAL ATTACHMENT AND POSITIVE YOUTH DEVELOPMENT OF ADOLESCENTS The main aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between optimal attachment and positive youth development of adolescents in Myanmar. Thus, this study examined the optimal attachment of adolescents by gender, family types and number of siblings. In addition, the study analyzed adolescents’ positive youth development by gender and parents’ education level. A total of 1110 participants (Grade 9 and Grade 10 students) from six regions and four states were selected by using random sampling technique. Explanatory sequential mixed method was used. Inventory of Parental and Peer Attachment (Ercan Kocayourk, 2010) (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.89) was used to measure the optimal attachment of adolescents. Then, Positive Youth Development Inventory (Arnold, 2012) (Cronbach’s alpha = 0.92) was used to examine the positive youth development of adolescents. According to the results of independent samples t-test, it was found that there were significant differences in optimal attachment by gender. Moreover, the ANOVA results revealed that there were also significant differences in optimal attachment by family types and number of siblings. Concerning positive youth development of adolescents, the results of independent samples t-test showed that there were significant differences in positive youth development by gender. Then, ANOVA results showed significant differences in positive youth development by parents’ education level. Moreover, Pearson’s Product Moment Correlation revealed that the optimal attachment of adolescents was positively correlated with their positive youth development (r = 0.425, p < 0.01). Therefore, it can be concluded that the quality of optimal attachment can cause the well positive youth development of adolescents. 2024
2273 Hnin Nandar Aye AN INVESTIGATION INTO TEACHER COMMITMENT OF IN-SERVICE TEACHERS The purpose of this study is to examine the factors influencing the teacher commitment of in service teachers. In-service teachers (N = 999) from selected basic education schools participated in this study. Teacher Commitment Questionnaires (Le & Agnew, 2003; Gedefaw, 2012) were used as research instruments of this study. Based on the literature review, Teacher Commitment Questionnaire (TCQ) was categorized by seven subscales: (1) affective commitment, (2) continuance commitment, (3) normative commitment, (4) commitment to profession, (5) commitment scale, (6) organizational commitment and (7) teacher commitment. Five-point likert scales were used to respond these questionnaires. According to data analysis, the mean score of Affective Commitment is higher than Organizational Commitment and Commitment to Teaching Profession. The mean score of female teachers was significantly higher than that of male teachers. The mean score of bachelor teachers was significantly higher than that of master teachers. The mean score of single teachers was significantly higher than that of married teachers. The mean score of PAT was significantly higher than that of JAT and SAT. The mean score of over 30 years (teaching experience) of teachers was significantly higher than that of ?15 years and 16-30 years. According to the findings, the mean score of over 45 years (age) was significantly higher than that of ? 30 years and 31-45 years. According to the findings, the mean commitment score of teachers in Mon State was significantly higher than that of Ayeyarwaddy, Yangon, Mandalay Regions and Shan State. Moreover, data analyses revealed that how important teacher commitment in teachers and especially in the field of education. Thus, it was said that this study can be a support for teachers in Myanmar. 2024
2274 Yin Nyein Aye A CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF THE EFFECTS OF PARENTAL PSYCHOLOGICAL CONTROL ON EXTERNALIZED BEHAVIORS OF HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of parental psychological control on externalized behaviors of high school students. A total of 932 high school students (460 males and 472 females) from 17 selected schools in Sagaing Region, Mandalay Region and Kachin State. The required sample was selected by using random sampling technique. Quantitative research approach and questionnaire survey method were used As the research instruments, Psychological Control Scale-Youth Self-Report (PCS-YSR) by Barber (1996) and Psychological Control-Disrespect Scale (PCDS) by Barber et al. (2012) were used to measure parental psychological control and Child Behavior Checklist (Child–Report Form, Achenbach, 2001, revised form) was used to measure externalized behaviors of high school students Descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, one-way ANOVA, post hoc test, correlation and stepwise multiple regression analysis were used in this study. The overall results showed that most of high school students fell into moderate parental psychological control level group. The results indicated that female students have high level of parental psychological control than that of male students. ANOVA result indicated that there were statistically significant differences among parental psychological control levels on externalized behaviors of high school students. 2024
2275 May Zin Hein EXPLORING PROTECTIVE FACTORS FOR RESILIENCE AMONG BASIC EDUCATION TEACHERS The main purpose of this study was to explore protective factors for resilience among basic education teachers. The sample of this study was chosen from Yangon Region and Mon State. A total of 480 basic education teachers participated in this study. Quantitative perspectives were used in this study. In this study, Teacher Resilience Inventory designed by Muller et al. (2014) consist of 36 items with a four-point Likert scale was used. This instrument measured the degree to which each of the six protective factors defined by Henderson and Milstein (1996). Cronbach's alpha for inventory of total protective factors for resilience was 0.917. ANOVA results showed that there were significant differences in purpose and expectation and clear and consistent boundaries factors for resilience among teaching subject areas. The result of the independent sample t-test showed that there was only significant difference in nurture and support factor for resilience by location at the 0.05 level. MANOVA results showed that there were significant differences in positive connections, life guiding skills and clear and consistent boundaries factors by teacher’s designation. Moreover, MANOVA results showed that there were significant differences in purpose and expectation, life guiding skills and clear and consistent boundaries factors by teacher’s qualification. However, MANOVA results showed that there were no significant differences in protective factors by teaching experience. The data showed that there were significant differences only in the interaction of teachers’ designation and teachers’ qualification. 2024
2276 Wint Zaw Htet AN INVESTIGATION INTO GENERAL SELF-EFFICACY, LEARNED RESOURCEFULNESS AND DEPRESSION OF MONASTIC SCHOOL STUDENTS IN MOGOK AND PYIN OO LWIN TOWNSHIPS The main purpose of this study was to investigate the general self-efficacy, learned resourcefulness and children depression of monastic school students from Mogok and Pyin Oo Lwin Townships. Moreover, the study was to examine the differences in general self-efficacy, learned resourcefulness and depression in terms of gender, age, grades, townships, schools, types of living and the relationship among the three variables. In the study, questionnaire survey research design and cluster sampling method were used. The participants of the study are 504 students of Grade 6, 7, 8 and 9 from eight monastic schools in Mogok and Pyin Oo Lwin Townships. The study was based upon Self-Efficacy Theory of Bandura, Learned Helplessness Theory of Hiroto and Seligman and Cognitive Theories of Depression by Beck and Abramson, Metalsky & Alloy. Students’ general self-efficacy were examined by using General Self-Efficacy Questionnaires for Children (GSEQ-C) by Muris, P. (2001) with 24 items. Learned resourcefulness of students was examined by using Rosenbaum’s Learned Resourcefulness Scale which contains 22 items. Children Depression Inventory (CDI) of Kovacs (1983) was used for exploring students’ depression which consists of 25 items. The reliability coefficients of General Self-Efficacy, Learned Resourcefulness and Depression were 0.738, 0.768 and 0.845 respectively. According to descriptive statistics, general self-efficacy and learned resourcefulness of students were favourable in nature and their depression was average. Based on the result of t test, gender difference and township difference in general self-efficacy was found. There was significant difference in depression according to living conditions. One-way ANOVA was conducted and the results revealed that General self-efficacy, learned resourcefulness and depression had significant differences across the grade level and school. But there was no difference based on their different ages. The result of Pearson Product Moment Correlation revealed that students’ general self-efficacy had positive correlation with learned resourcefulness and negative correlation with depression, on the other hand, learned resourcefulness had a negative correlation with depression. Therefore, general self-efficacy and learned resourcefulness can affect on the depression. 2024
2277 Aye Swe Htun FACTOR ANALYSIS OF CHILDREN’S PERCEPTION ON INTER PARENTAL CONFLICT AND PSYCHOSOCIAL ADJUSTMENT The primary purpose of the study is to investigate the number of items and the dimensions of the scale from children’s perception of inter-parental conflict and psychosocial adjustment. Descriptive survey research method was applied and quantitative data analysis was executed in this study. For inter-parental conflict, three instruments were used with 65 items. For psychosocial adjustment, four instruments were used with 128 items. The total of 843 students from basic education schools (435 males and 408 females) were randomly selected. Grade 6 & 7 students in Shan State, Mandalay Region and Magway Region were examined. And then, exploratory factor analysis (EFA) was used to investigate the number of items and the dimensions of the scale. It was also used to reduce data to a smaller set of summary variables and to postulate that there is a smaller set of unobserved (latent) variables or constructs that underlie the variables that actually were observed. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) is a multivariate statistical procedure that is used to test how well the measured variables represent the number of constructs. CFA was conducted to determine the existing structure of the scale and to test how the variables are related to underlying constructs. For inter-parental conflict, three subscales (threat, conflict properties and self-blame) were used with 21-items. For self-esteem, two subscales (performance, social self-esteem) were used with 17-items. For social skill, two subscales (prosocial behaviour, delinquency) were used with 21-items. 2024
2278 Nway Nway Pwint San FACTOR ANALYSIS OF TEACHER' PERCEPTION ON CONTINUING PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (CPD) QUESTIONNAIRE The main purpose of this study was to verify the structural construct validity which is called factor analysis of Teachers' Perception on Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Questionnaire. For Teachers' Perception on CPD Questionnaire, four instruments were used with 87 items. This questionnaire included four subscales such as updating activities, reflective activities, collaborative activities and benefits of attending CPD activities. There were altogether 87 items. The total of 1391 teachers from Mon State, Nay Pyi Taw Region and Magway Region were examined. After exploratory factor analysis (EFA), 37 items were left and 50 items were removed. After confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), next 6 items were removed and so only 31 items remained. Moreover, both convergent and discriminant validity was also accepted. In order to obtain the information which items are appropriate for teachers, an IRT parameter estimation procedure was carried out with two parameter logistic model (2 PLM) by utilizing BILOG-MG 3 software. It was observed that the test is discriminating well among examinees with the range of ability level -3 to +1.5 appropriately. The maximum amount of information was I (?) = 19.5 is at ? = -1. Therefore, it was concluded that this test composed of 31 items could be suitable for teachers whose ability level range is – 1. 2024
2279 Chaw Su Win A STUDY OF COLLEGE ADJUSTMENT AND PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL BEING AMONG EDUCATION DEGREE COLLEGE STUDENTS The main aim of this study was to investigate college adjustment and psychological well-being among Education Degree College Students. The total of 274 college students (Male=120, Female=154) from two selected Education Degree Colleges were randomly selected in this study. Quantitative, descriptive research design and survey method were used in this study. The questionnaires were used to collect demographic information of the participants such as gender, subject combination, and college. The Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire (SACQ); developed by Baker & Siryk, 1984, 1999) was used to measure college adjustment of Education Degree College students. Both descriptive and inferential statistics such as t test and ANOVA were carried out. According to ANOVA result, there was a significant difference in college adjustment by subject combination (F=6.962, p<.001). Moreover, there was a significant difference in college adjustment by college (t=-3.372, p<.001). And Psychological Well-being Scale (PWB) developed by Ryff (2014) was used to measure the psychological well-being of college students. The result of ANOVA showed that there was a significant difference in subject combination (F=6.113, p<0.001). There was a significant difference in psychological well-being by college (t=-3.819, p<0.001). And, the result of correlation analysis revealed that college adjustment and psychological well-being was significantly correlated. There was a positive correlation between college adjustment and psychological well-being. So, if students well adjust in their campus, their psychological well-being will increase. This study provides recommendation to institutions of higher education in order to prepare for their student during the orientation of campus life, academic tasks, and how to get along with faculty and fellow college student. Through proper orientation, their process of adjustment to college will be accelerated. 2024
2280 Thet Su Maung A STUDY ON THE EARLY NUMERACY SKILLS DEVELOPMENT OF GRADE 1 STUDENTS The main aim of the present study is to assess the early numeracy skills development of Grade 1 students. In this study, quantitative approach was used. The participants were 100 Grade 1 students in No (1) Basic Education High School (Branch) in Katha Township. Scale for Early Numeracy Skills of Grade 1 Students (ENS-G1) was used as the instrument. It consists of 61 items and is divided into 7 sub-scales: (1) Oral Counting (OC), (2) Number Identification (NI), (3) Number Discrimination (ND), (4) Missing Number (MN), (5) Order Plan (OP), (6) Measurement (M), and (7) Computation (C). Alpha reliability for ENS-G1 was 0.85. In this study, descriptive statistics of the early numeracy skills development results indicated that, the mean percentage result was the highest in Number Identification and Quantity Discrimination sub-scales, and the lowest in Measurement sub-scale. Therefore, it can be said that Grade 1 students can perform Number Identification and Quantity Discrimination sub-scales better than other sub-scales. And then, the results of t-test on the sub-scales of the early numeracy skills development of Grade 1 students by gender revealed that there was no gender difference for the whole early numeracy skills test. This is an important finding because it highlights that difference in early numeracy skills development is not necessarily due to gender. To investigate the mean differences of the early numeracy skills development of Grade 1 students by age group, independent samples t-test was conducted and it became apparent that there were significant mean differences in Order Plan and Measurement sub-scales at 0.01 level and 0.05 level respectively whereas the others dimensions were not significantly different. According to the results, it was found that 7-year-old students developed more on the Order Plan sub-scale and Measurement sub-scale than 6-year-old students. 2024